Kakazu's mom

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The next mother that arrived was Kakazu's. Now Kakazu didn't think his mother would come because she was killed years ago back when Hashirama Senju (the first hokage) was the hokage. When Orochimaru found out that the Akatski's moms were visiting he had the diabolical idea of bringing Kakazu's mother back from the dead to gather intel on the Akatski's plans. When Kakazu came to find his mother at the base he freaked out. Thousands of memories had just returned to him for example his memory of his mothers death, his fathers death, and his brothers death. Kakazu fell unconscious from the sudden overuse of brain power his brain completely shut off. (5 Hours later Kakazu's point of view) "where am" I said to the strange lifeless looking woman. "No worrys my child I'm your mother" said misa. "Why does my head hurt" I said. "These people tried to kill you (as she points to the dead bodies of the Akatski) so I killed all of them but there leader escaped" "do you remember anything from the past" said Misa. "No I don't think so but thank you mom for saving me"I said "no problem" said Misa.(Misa's point of veiw) "I am so happy that my son doesn't remember anything" I thought to myself. "Well Kakazu let's go to orochimaru your uncle" I said. (Kakazu's point of view) "now I remember part of everything mom" I said. "Like what" said Misa. "Like how orochimaru was once part of the akatski and of course it makes sense that he would revive you" I said. "I killed you once and I can kill you again" I said.

To be continued........

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