Tobi's mom

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Disclaimer this is just a almost completly made up part so you have been warned :)

The next to arrive was Tobi's mom. Well geuss how he got his style. I guess you could say mommys little boy. Well his mom is 5'6 ft and where's a magenta mask (it used to be pink). The first thing his mom said was where's my copycat. Then everyone laughed even Tobi did. Then Tobi said right here. Then his mom went under the ground and tunnled until she got to him and popped out of the ground and gave Tobi a big hug. Then Tobi said meet my friends. Deidara the female terrorist. That angered deidara but when Tobi finished giving names to people he would make a plan for all of them to pummle him at the same time. Then Tobi said there's kisame the human fish. That's konan the human piece of paper. That's pein the peirceing addict. That's hidan the to sexy for my shirt guy. That's kakazu the stiched up doll. That's itachi the weasle. That's zetzu the boarderline between two colors. That's all of them. Then Tobi said is Tobi a good boy when giving names. Then his mom said yes but I think I should give you a name since you can't make a nickname for your self. Your nickname is copycat. Then everyone laughed again. When they finished they all tackled Tobi. Then his mom yelled STOP and everyone stopped and backed away slowly. That's when Tobi said to his mom can we go some where else. His mom nodded and said how about we go to your room. Tobi nodded and they went to his room. That's when they talked about life and jutsu and family. Then Tobi's mom left and the next mom came soon after.

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