kisames mom

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Kisame (the walking fish) his mom dosn't know he is as you could call a fish. So his mom arrives and says where's my kisame. Kisame says I'm right here. Then his mom froze with fear saying your not kisame. Until kisame said I kinda used a forrbiden jutsu that allows me to breath under water and it back fired. The jutsu signs are truely random and they are :bird, rat , serpent, tiger, and dog. If you do them in that exact order then you will be like me said kisame. Then right when he finished saying this tobi was almost finished making all the signs. Then kisame unexpectedly tackled tobi to stop the jutsu. Then tobi said but tobi good boy why tackle me. Then kisame said because I don't want you to be a fish. Then tobi said but I want to be a fish. Kisame then replied with it wouldn't fit you with your love to place explosives under people. Then tobi said something that made kisame mad. He said but to i want to be a fish and swim like a fish and breath underwater like a fish just like you fish. Then kisame got angry and punched tobi square in the face and almost broke his mask. Then kisame and his mom talked for awhile then she left.

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