The Proposal

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Author's Note: Hi guys, I just wanted to say before you continue reading this chapter thank you for reading this book. I am so so so sorry for not updating lately, I have been very busy but I promise I will try to update and write some more for you guys. I am so happy you guys are enjoying this book and I hope you continue to.

Thanks lovelies,


Today was the day.

Harry was in the car with (Y/N) sitting on his right. The car had stopped and Harry opened the door as his feet touched the ground. He waved to the fans outside and placed his hand out for you as you climbed out the car. You waved to the fans as well and then you both walked inside.

You turned left and headed to the seats that Harry got for you. As you walked over to your seat, you found your parents and your sisters sitting there as well. You went up to hug your mom and your dad.

"Dad, Mom, what are you doing here?"

"Harry invited us." They said.

"I wonder why?" I asked confused.

"You'll see," they said smirking at each other.

* * *

Meanwhile, Harry walked down the main hallway where the dressing room was. He walked in the room and sat down in the chair where Lou was standing.

Lou looked at Harry and smiled, asking him, "You excited? "

Harry replied, "More nervous, actually."

"Don't be nervous, I'm sure she'll say yes."

"I hope so."

Just as Harry said that, Lou daughter Lux came in running up to Harry.

Harry kneeled down as Lou was doing his hair, smiling, saying to her in a childlike voice, "I'm gonna propose to (Y/N) today.

Lux looked at Harry cluelessly, still smiling, but not knowing what he meant.
Harry and Lou both laughed.

Hours passed and the show was about to start. The boys were all backstage, getting their mics adjusted and ready for the concert. Harry glanced at the box in his pocket as he looked back up getting ready to go on stage.

Liam walked next to Harry and placed a hand on his shoulder, looking at Harry.
"You ready, mate?"

"More ready, then I'll ever be."

"Good luck." "Thanks."

Within five seconds, the lights went dark and the fans started to scream. The first song started and the lights went up as the boys walked on stage and performed their first song.

The boys bowed as the fans cheered and started to sing along with them as the opening song began to play. After the first song was over, they performed a couple songs after that. Before the 2 last songs for the night, Harry walked up to the center of the stage with his mic on saying, "How is everyone tonight!"

The fans screamed back at him.

", I have something special I want to say to someone."

Fans instantly looked up at Harry after he said that.

"(Y/N), will you come up here?"

The camera panned to you, smiling sheepishly, slightly embarrassed as the light shined on you as the bodyguard guided you to the center of the stage where Harry was standing. All of the boys were standing in the back, smiling at him as they watched you come to the stage.

You climbed up the steps and walked on stage and your fingertips met Harry's hands as Harry gazed into your eyes nervously.

"(Y/N), you know, I love you."

You looked at him and nodded, while giving him a sweet smile.

"You are the best thing that has every happened to me. You mean so much to me. After all we've been through with the fans and the this lifestyle, you've stuck by me and I love you so much for that. Which is why," Harry said smirking.

Harry reached in his pocket for the ring in the box. He took it out and slowly opened it, while kneeling down while his foot stood steadily on the floor.

You looked around everything in disbelief. You couldn't believe it. You couldn't hear a pin drop in the room. The crowd were all silent, waiting for your answer. You looked back at Harry and it then seemed like all the crowd had went away. It felt like it was just her and Harry and no one else was around or mattered.

"I wanna spend the rest of my life loving and being with you. So, will you, (Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N),

Marry me?"

You looked at Harry, tears forming in the corner of your eyes. You covered your hands over your mouth in shock.

Seconds of utter silence had passed before you spoke into the microphone saying, "Yes."

The crowd errupted in cheers and the boys were clapping.
All the band and crew walked out and cheered for Harry as well.

Harry took the diamond ring and slid into smoothly on her finger. He backed up and placed the box into his back pocket and stood up. Harry was met with your teary eyes. He took you into his arms and you both gave each other a warm embrace. Harry turned around as you placed your head on his shoulder, smiling at the audience.

You looked over to the left to see your and Harry's family's there recording and cheering through every moment.

Harry pulled the mic back up to his lips and said to the crowd, "Give it up for my new fiance,

The crowd screamed again back at Harry. You looked up at Harry as he was smiling at the audience and looked down at you.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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