Chapter 6

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Early the next morning Sydney took a cab all the way to the Staten Island Ferry. Her dad lived in Staten Island with her step mom and two kids. It didn't take long before the Ferry arrived at the harbor. Sydney walked to her dad's house which wasn't very far from the ferry. Checking her phone it was a quarter till ten. Knocking on the door a little girl around five answered. "Sydney" She said. The little girl smiled then hugged her torso. "Margaret who's at the door honey" A man said. Sydney's father was holding a coffee cup in his hand and the newspaper in the other. "Hey Sydney come on in Sarah made breakfast I'm sure there's enough left" William said. Sydney walked into the house as he shut the door behind her. "We had chocolate chip pancakes...Do you like chocolate chip pancakes Sydney" Margaret asked. "Easy Margaret we wouldn't want to interrogate her to much" William said. "Who's with you William" A lady asked. Entering the kitchen a women in her late thirties was making breakfast. "My daughter Sydney is going to stay with us for a while" William said. She turned around the smile fell from her face. "Ah yes hello Sydney" She said. "Sydney you remember Renae" William said. Playing a fake smile Sydney shook her hand. Renae planted fake things about Sydney in her youngest daughter Caroline. 

"William can I talk to you in private please" Renae asked. William and Renae went to another part of the house while Sydney sat down next to Margaret. "I don't believe a word that rhino says I try to convince Caroline but she won't pay attention" Margaret said. "She's an evil rhino" Sydney said. Margaret laughed then looked at Sydney. "You should see her in the morning it's hideous" Margaret said. Sydney tried not to listen in on the conversation her father and step mother were having but it was easy not to. She heard her name be thrown around quite a few times. "Renae watches Fox News so she's into that fake stuff" Margaret said. William and Renae came back inside from their discussion about Sydney. William was calm about everything but Renae was being Renae about it. "So how about we get the smell off of you" Renae said. "If I smell like a sewer you can say it I already know that" Sydney said. "I smell like flowers" Margaret said. Sydney was shown to her guest room which was right across from Margaret. Inside her room was a walk in closet with a bathroom built in. It was furnished nice with a flatscreen tv a little lounge chair and a mini fridge under the nightstand by the tv. 

Sydney locked the door to her room as she walked into the bathroom. Her father really knew how to design a house. It wasn't a run down bathroom like Sydney was used to when she lived with her so called mother. This bathroom was luxurious to the point of a five star hotel. She smiled she never stayed in a well furnished place with her own room. She took it back she did have that when she stayed with Jackson. The memory of Jackson came flooding back she forgot to tell him that she was leaving that morning. Checking the time it was way too early for Jackson to be up. Sydney turned on the shower the warm water hit her worn down skin she shut her eyes she felt calm at that very moment. Her hands applied the shampoo in her hair then conditioner after that she just stood in the shower with the warm water. Her mind went back to Jackson and how he'd love to meet Sydney's dad. Her eyes shot open as she felt her mind run a million thoughts at once. Did Sydney really have feelings for Jackson? 

After the shower their were pajamas sitting on her bed folded up nice. She threw them on then wrapped her hair in the towel that was wrapped around her torso. Her phone rang the contact showed Jackson's name. Sydney answered the phone a smile never left her face. "Hey" Sydney said. 

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