Chapter 5

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Jacksons POV

Once I pulled up to school I had to face the cold and walking through the parking lot with the cold breeze hitting my face. "Hey Jackson where you been" Link said. He's my best friend and no his last name is not Larkin like in hair spray. "I was busy with things" I said. "What kinda things" Link asked. "You know studying" I said. "You and I both know you never do that on a Sunday " link asked. "Your right" I said. 

When class started Mr.Harper immediately started to pick on me. "Welcome back Mr. Levi you haven't been in this class for weeks on end" Mr. Harper said. I rolled my eyes. "Now today we will be talking about IV's and where to place them now who would like to go first" Mr. Harper said. I raised my hand. "Jackson come on down" Mr. Harper said. I got up and walked down to the simulator. "Now you place the IV in the left hand check for a good vein and stick the needle in the vein" Mr. Harper said. I did what he told me and everything went well . As the class progressed so did my boredom. "Thank you Mr. Levi have a seat" Mr. Harper said. I went back to my seat which was next to Link. "Mr.Harper picked you for a reason" Link said. "Why'd you assume that" I asked. Link looked around everyone in the entire room knew the reason and so did Mr.Harper. "Because you're a legacy, your mom and dad both took this course with flying colors and everyone in this course is jealous of you because you got a full ride scholarship just because you're dad is friends with the dean" Link said. "Mr. O'Hare, thank you for interrupting our class" Mr.Harper said. Link turned beat red as a couple of students around us chuckled. 

Mr.Harper continued on with his discussion as the lecture slowly came to an end. "Next class we will be going over surgical prep, Class dismissed" Mr.Harper said. Link was following me down the stairs when Mr.Harper stopped us. "Mr.O'Hare stay back" Mr.Harper said. Link looked at me and nodded I waited for him outside the door. I didn't hear much except for shouting and then it grew silent. Link came out of the class room with a worried look on his face. "What did he say" I asked. "He's going to recommend me for surgical prep at the hospital, Jack I can't do that I'm a scared little girl" Link said. "Why are you scared about that" I asked. Link sighed while looking at the floor. "I'm not as great as you...I don't have doctors as parents I don't know if I can live up to Mr.Harper's expectations" Link said. "You don't need doctors as parents to be great, You're Link O'Hare you create you're own story, who knows you could be the next great doctor" Jackson said. 


Back at Jackson's apartment an unexpected visitor made her appearance. Sydney was sitting in the bath tub when suddenly someone started to knock on the front door. Sydney wrapped a towel around herself tightly then she threw on a shirt and some shorts. She then answered the door to see her deadbeat mother. She had a cigarette in one hand and a purse hanging off her right arm it didn't look that expensive so she probably had the thing for ages. "We need to talk" She said. "There's nothing to say" Sydney said. Her mother took a drag of the cigarette before speaking once more. "Why are you being so difficult Sid, I'm your mother you shouldn't treat me like this" She said. Sydney didn't say anything as she dead cold stared right back at her. "Why are you here, how did you find me Lydia" Sydney said. 

Her mother laughed before taking another hit. "You're just like your father, baby girl he didn't love you like I do, Did he give birth to you I did, Did he take care of you, provide food for you, clothes, he didn't do anything for you, I provided everything for you, you should be grateful for me Sydney" Lydia said. Sydney shook her head in denial as she didn't believe a word her so called mother said. "My father loves me, He loves me more than you ever did" Sydney said. "Keep believing that sweetheart, one day it's going to hit you that he never gave a damn about you" Lydia said. With that Lydia threw her cigarette down on the floor and left. 

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