twenty nine

538 45 26

Roman, as cliché as it may sound, could not handle the hate.

It may have been satire. But Roman suffered with the basic mental disabilities which killed his self esteem. He was fake, really.

Only the group chat knew how much he wanted to die.

He was ready to take his life. It was sad, really.

Before he went through with it, he decided he would reread everything. Relive nostalgia, one last time.

He scrolled up to the top of the chatroom, and saw the words:

"LeafyIsBeefy has created a chatroom."

"LeafyIsBeefy has added NoFKRZ, AustinFFA, and Onision to the chatroom."

"LeafyIsBeefy: Okay, you know what we should do?"

Roman let a tear fall, thinking of the proper grammar days.

"AustinFFA: Calvin I'm recordinggg"

"LeafyIsBeefy: shhh it can wait ;) Anyway, we should expand this chat into a larger thing?"

"NoFKRZ: ...Let's do it."

"NoFKRZ has added ElvisButNotTheSinger, Bamanboiiii, Hyojin_Choi, and Scarce to the chatroom."

"LeafyIsBeefy has added FRANKUU, Grade, ShorbieTheWeeb, and Moobulated to the chatroom."

"AustinFFA: bless, but I need to continue recording."

"AustinFFA: If you guys are confused just read above"

This was where it all started. Where Roman's worries would fade away, making him truly happy. He couldn't help it; he became emotional. He loved them all so much. He didn't want them hurt.

He screenshotted his screen, and saved it as 'happiness.png', he genuinely smiled, and opened up the chatroom again.


roman has joined the chatroom.

roman: New picture message!

roman: never mind.

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