Bestfriends (Frerard)

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The sky wasn't clear. In fact, it was very overcast and it looked like rain threatened to fall upon them in a few hours. However, this did not stop the father from bringing his daughter out to the park like she wanted. As soon as he opened his door he heard her tiny feet pounding across the asphalt towards the swings. "Melissa!" Gerard yelled, sighing and rolling his eyes when his best friend giggled. Gerard looked at him with a worried expression. "Don't laugh." Gerard muttered, slamming the door.

"Sorry." Frank apologized though it wasn't sincere in the least. The two friends walked together towards the benches, watching their kids play. They were the only two there because no other parent would have come here in their right minds. Gerard's eyebrows furrowed as he watched Melissa and Frank sighed before slapping him on the back. "Dude, stop thinking about what could have happened. I'm sure she looked before she ran." Gerard bit his lip and nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, I know she did."

Frank sat down on the bench fairly close to Gerard, though Gerard took no notice. Frank had always been one to get up close and personal. Absentmindedly, Gerard studied Frank's tattooed fingers as they flinched and stretched themselves out while he pressed his thumbs against the phone furiously. He let his eyes trail up the long sleeved white shirt and then stopped once it landed on the scorpion tattoo on the side of Frank's neck. Gerard thought about how he would look with tattoos and then snorted loudly.

Frank stopped typing and looked over to his right, his eyebrows pulling together as he gave a small smile. "What?" He looked ahead at his son and his friend's daughter to see if they had done something Gerard had responded too and then back at Gerard himself. "Nothing." Frank rolled his eyes. "I should stop asking you 'what' because you never answer me." Gerard just smiled and watched the kids while Frank began typing again.

"Daddy! Look!" Melissa hung on one monkey bar for 3 seconds before dropping down. "Awesome!" Gerard called back and Melissa beamed before running back up the steps to do it again. Gerard noticed Frank's son was trying to climb on top of the slide on the outside, where he could easily slip and break his neck or something. "Hey, A-" Gerard started.

"Alex! If you don't get down from there-" Frank cut him off and then quickly chose his words. "Safely, I will hurt you." Gerard knew he didn't mean it. Frank was such a softie that it made Gerard almost giggle whenever he thought about it. "I swear...damn kid..." Frank muttered under his breath and Gerard laughed. Alex cackled, throwing his head back and flinging his arms about as he ran off to some other section. "He always thinks he needs to climb shit."

"He's a boy."

"I don't care if he was a fucking lizard and it's in his nature. Unless I say climb it, don't climb anything." Gerard was too busy trying to not laugh at how annoyed Frank sounded that he didn't even notice Melissa running up to him. "Dad!" She panted and she was given Gerard's undivided attention. "Hm?" "Why isn't Alex my brother?" Frank snorted and Gerard gave him a side glare before answering. "Because Alex is Frank's son. Not mine." Melissa wedged herself between the two men. "But Uncle Frankie is my uncle. he my cousin?" She looked up at Gerard with her curious and innocent Brown eyes and he nodded. "Yep."

"Oh!" She said, sounding so genuinely surprised by this. The eight year old then got up and ran away.

"Gerard. When are you gonna tell her I'm not her uncle?" Frank chuckled. Gerard smirked. "You mean when are you going to tell her you're not her uncle?"


"Hell yeah. You brought that on yourself. I'm your Uncle-Frankie." Gerard recalled. "You suck." Frank sighed, leaning back and spreading his arms out across the back of the bench. "Hey, you doing anything this weekend?" "Taking Mel to Lindsey's. Why?" Gerard looked over. "I was thinking about us going to that fair thing they have going on. Think they'll like that..." Frank answered. Gerard had forgotten all about the fair that was going on. He'd went as a kid, but that stopped once his grandmother passed away. "I don't know...Lindsey doesn't like me interfering with her time..." "God..." Frank rolled his eyes. Gerard looked down and Frank jerked once his phone vibrated in his pocket. Seconds later, his own phone rang and he took it out to see that it was Lindsey.

"Hey." He answered, smiling as he watched Alex and Melissa chase each other. "Hey. What are you doing?" Lindsey's voice floated out into his ear. "At the park."

"The park?" Her voice rose a little and Gerard sighed. "Yes." "Do you not see the sky, Gerard?" "I promised Mel I'd bring her today and she kept nagging me. It's not even drizzling and it looks as if the sun is coming out anyway." Even Frank looked up with Gerard and humphed when he saw the sun peeking out from the cover of clouds. "What if it wasn't?"

Gerard groaned. "Lindsey, please. It's not raining. Do you want to talk to Melissa?" "Please." She replied, her voice clipped. Gerard got up and walked over to where Melissa sat on a metal step, poking her fingers through it's holes. "Someone wants to speak to you." He gave her a smile and she smiled back before taking his phone. "Mommy!"

Frank gave Gerard a sympathetic/annoyed look when he sat back down. "Don't " Gerard said, not even sparing him a glance. "She makes it seem as if everything you do is freaking horrible." Frank said anyway, scoffing and shaking his head. His black fringe of hair moved with him. Gerard had always liked Frank's personality, so the way he looks perfectly describes him. His hair shaved and bleached blonde on one side, black on the other with the fringe and everything...and all those tattoos.

Gerard has been friends with Frank since his first tattoo and still doesn't know what half of them symbolize.

"I shouldn't have brought her though..." Gerard looks away and stares at his daughter.

"Fuck what Lindsey says. She's just trying to make you feel like shit- like always. I would have done it. Even if it does start raining, it's just water. No one is gonna fucking die." Frank slips his phone back into his pocket and sits up again. Gerard didn't say anything. Frank liked Lindsey until she cheated on Gerard the first time. Once Gerard took her back, Frank was so pissed and didn't speak to him for about two months, ignoring all of Gerard's attempts. When she did it again, Frank swore that he would disown Gerard as a friend for the past 9 years if he took her back, even though Gerard had his mind set on not doing it anyway. It killed him once and it killed him again. Luckily, Frank was there to help him this time instead of not acknowledging him.

"So, are you bringing Mel or what?" Frank asks, intent on getting a 'yes' even though Gerard kind of told him no.

"Lindsey probably wants to take her."

"Gerard, I'm this close to punching you in your face." Gerard closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "Melissa is not only Lindsey's child. She's yours too and if you want to spend more time with her then planned then do it. Lindsey doesn't tell you what to do, man."

She actually does...

"Here you go, Daddy." Melissa had ran up to him and set his phone down on the branch before leaving. Gerard is too slow to stop Frank from grabbing his phone. His eyes go wide and he jumps up the same time Frank does. However, Frank if already feet away."Frank, please don't get yourself involved in us. I really don't feel like dealing with that." Gerard pleads. He can't even get mad because he's tired of feeling anger towards things.

This is why this shit happens...because I let people do it and don't do anything about it.

"What's your password?" Frank calls out to him, standing still and glaring down at his phone. "Frank." Gerard tries again.

"I tried that. It doesn't work." Frank smirked up at him and Gerard scoffs and smiles, totally giving away that he isn't mad. "Frank, give me my phone." Gerard begins walking up to him and Frank simply walks backwards. "Got it! Haha...motherfucker..." Frank mumbles.

"Frank, seriously, don't call Lindsey. Not only are you going to make her mad at you, she's going to be pissed off at me."

This makes Frank stop and glare at Gerard from where he is. Gerard looks back with a hopeful expression and Frank sighs heavily before walking up to Gerard. Relief floods through him when he gets his phone back in his hands.

"You're lucky you're my friend." Frank tells him before leaving to scold Alex about climbing up to the top of the treehouse. Gerard sits down and stares at his phone before looking up at his daughter.


New story, yay! It's fictional(duh) so don't bitch at me about Linds and having Gerard and her separated and Melissa and Frank and everything else blah blah blah.

Back to writing for you guys! (and myself because it's fun:P)


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