Part 1

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On that day, Elena stayed longer at school because she was preparing a surprise for Alaric in his office, as it was his birthday the following day and Elena had to put his present there. Now it was already dark in the hallways and she was going home. She was looking forward to having dinner at home and lying down in her warm bed.

She was almost at the exit when she got the feeling that there were some footsteps behind her. She looked over her shoulder but she didn't see anyone. Slowly and with fear, she turned back - and she was standing right in front of Klaus. She was probably supposed to scream with horror or run away but she just froze, incapable of any movement.
'Hello, Elena,' he greeted her and gave her a half scary, half sexy smile.

'Klaus,' she breathed out with terror.
'Don't be afraid,' he calmed her down. 'I'm not going to kill you.'
'Do you need my blood again?' asked Elena, her heart clenched with fear.
'Not this time.' Klaus shook his head.
'So what do you want?'
'I just want to talk to you. Alone. Without your two bodyguards,' he said.
Elena understood that he meant Stefan and Damon. 'So you do want to kill me?'
'No. You have my word,' swore Klaus. 'Although, these moral phrases are more my brother Elijah's thing,' he added with an amused grin.
'What do you want to talk to me about then?' Elena didn't understand what he was saying and all she wished for was to go home. Then she would call Stefan and she would let him give her a big hug, so she could forget this terrifying scene more easily.

'About you, Elena,' replied Klaus with a mysterious face and he made a few steps closer to her. 'From the moment I met you I have known you are very special. So loyal to those you care about. So strong. So compassionate. I am sure that deep down, you even sympathise with me.'
He was right. Deep inside, Elena sympathised with Klaus, for he didn't know love. But Elena was wrong about that. Klaus had that kind of feelings for someone.
For her.
'In more than a thousand years, I haven't met anyone like you,' Klaus went on, suddenly quite disconcerted. 'I can't describe it, nor explain it, let alone understand it. But it is the truth. I can't stop thinking of you and...'
'Wait,' Elena interrupted him. 'Are you trying to imply that you have... FALLEN IN LOVE WITH ME?'
Klaus jolted when he heard those words. 'I don't know. Maybe. All I know is that I'm standing here and I want to kiss you.'
'But... I'm with Stefan,' uttered Elena, despite she started to feel shivers on her back, caused by the way Klaus was looking at her, and some invisible powers were drawing her to him.
'Of course you are with Stefan,' nodded Klaus.
'Will you let me go?'
Elena wanted to walk around him and leave but Klaus caught her arm, he pulled her closer and kissed her. 
When he let her out of his embrace, Elena gasped for breath. She was shocked, frightened, disgusted, but at the same time it felt so good.
'I'm used to getting everything I take into my head,' shrugged Klaus. 'Now you're free to go. I'll see you soon, Elena.'
Elena jinked past him in the speed of light and ran away.

NOTE: I'm not a native speaker and I've translated this in such a rush, so please have mercy. ♥ I hope you like my story!

Beauty and the Original - TVD Klaus/Elena FF (2015) - COMPLETEOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz