Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

We walked straight through the house. We walked quietly, his hand still guiding me. My mate walked confidently, as if he owned the place - which he kind of did, seeing as he was the Alpha. I did not stand so tall. I was nervous and anxious, thinking about what was to come, the feelings seemed familiar to me as i recalled that a mere few days ago I had joined the Crescent pack - though undoubtedly the rituals would be different. I could already see the different atmosphere in this pack, I sensed it even as I walked now. The pack members bowed to my mate as we passed them, fear and loyalty in their eyes. The wolves here seemed less frivolous and happy as in my previous pack - everything was very organized and military. I wondered if this was why they were the strongest pack in the world - they were only focused on their pack duties.

The cold demeanor of the pack unnerved me. I unconsciously snuggled closer to my mate's side, feeling the need for his comfort. When thinking about it, it was ironic because my mate was probably the reason why everyone acted so gloomy. I suppressed a shudder and swallowed down the huge lump in my throat.

The sun was high in the sky and it's rays of light gave me solitude and a sense of normalcy. I breathed in the air deeply, filling my lungs - it was so pure and clean. It was nothing like the choking city air I had gotten used to when I lived In London. Thinking of my old home brought a dozen memories flooding back - I missed my parents, the people I had grown up with. I missed Vi, my best friend - she was still in Beechwood. I breathed deeply again, feeling so very lost in this place full of strangers. I turned to my mate - not all strangers, I thought. I just wish he would talk more, I needed comfort, the kind you get from your best friends - I made a mental reminder to call Vi after the ceremony - I also scolded myself for being so preoccupied recently that I hadn't thought to call before - how long had it been since I called my family in London? I had been so busy discovering I was a wolf that I forgot about my own parents, the people that raised me. I felt deeply ashamed of myself. With a heavy heart, I stepped deeper into the forest.

"I should probably tell you about the ceremony." I heard Ash speak from my side. I nodded yes, thinking there would probably just be a blood sharing like at my other pack - no more than three days ago - the memory was so distant like it was from another life but it actually wasn't so long ago.

"Ill have to mark you."

Ok I wasn't expecting that.

"What?!" I replied confused.

"Welcoming a mate of a pack member into the community is different to welcoming an ordinary wolf. It is easier... in some way" he added as an after thought.

"Why do you have to mark me though?" I asked nervously - before I was revelling in the prospect, but I didn't want it done in the presence of the whole pack.

"Marking is an ancient ritual. It is the way mates accept each other and a marked mate is automatically accepted into the pack. All ties with your old pack will be severed." Again I felt a sense of loss overcome me - my wolf though was excited to join as a Luna to her pack.

"Another thing," my mate started - "most wolves do not know you are my mate. They will respect you in time, but if would be wise to earn their respect." My wolf agreed with Ash, and I thought it was nice that my mate was standing by my side.


The ceremony was not like the last one at all. There were no seats and we were not in a clearing. The forest was darker, wilder. There was no stage or pretty bouquets. The decoration was the natural beauty around us, it seemed less friendly, but more powerful. Nonetheless it was stunning, nature itself was a beautiful decoration. The pack members stood together, but apart in small groups of friends, they had curious looks as I walked with their Alpha. They silenced as we walked past.

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