Right Where You Want Me

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Right Where You Want Me

I remembered watching Colin with such admiration when he gave his speech at the reception. He had the attention of every woman there, I sometime wonder if he knew how attractive he really was. He spoke of love and happiness donning a dazzling smile so bravely while doing it. Yet, I still saw the dark shadow clouding in his eyes. He gifted me with a weak smile before raising his glass in honor of his best friend and my cousin. When it came for my speech I saw him in the beginning of it but disappeared before I finished. Lear danced with me once, prior to the bride and groom departure. Then I found myself alone in a crowd of people I barely knew, completing my maid of honor duties. I never paid much mind to how small my world was until those three where gone.

Because of that I ended up in my current state, Lucia had officially been on her honeymoon for the last eight days, and for those last eight days my sanity was tested.

I was now left with Tasha and Mimi, now with full understanding with what Lucia meant about them driving her crazy when I wasn't around to keep her from strangling the two. They love the nightlife, booze and men, in that order. They both were easy to notice in public, because of their modeling; Tasha in her commercial and Mimi in swimsuit. It would only take twenty minutes before they both were approached and taken away. Leaving me at the table, with their things; one too many late nights out.

I wised up this time and brought along a small tablet to work from until I was later freed.

A presence wander to the side of the table. I didn't bother looking up knowing all to well they wasn't there for me.

"Just leave your name and number and which blonde you are interested in. I'll pass it along." I re-positioned my glasses on my face, changing a bit of dialogue in the script I was tampering with. A deep laugh erupted, My finger froze on the bright screen. I knew that laugh, as if it was my own.

"Please tell me no one actually done that?" Before my vocal cords was cured of its paralyzing traits, he nudged me over sitting next to me in the booth.

"I can't lie, I'm glad those dicks in here choose to go for the flashy blondes and left you here." My glance flicked over his features. I hadn't seen him since the reception. Eight whole days I received no new gifts, no text messages or impromptu visits. I rolled my eyes and murmured, "Thanks for pointing out how I dim in their presences." I refocused on my work in front of me. A strong hand, covered my screen.

"Hey!" He took my device from my hand tapping the save button, then powered it down. Leaning in close his lips brushed against my ear, shivers hiked up my spine.

"Follow me." The soft request was accompanied by warm fingers curling around my hand pulling me from the booth. My tablet safely in his other hand.

"Wait! What about their things Lear?"

"Not their butler Hales." He called over his shoulder as I had no choice but to trail behind him.

I found myself nestled in the passenger side of his car, come to think of it this was the first time I have been inside of his car. He leaned over opening his glove compartment securing my tablet inside of it. In the same motion, as if it was something he did everyday, took hold of my seat buckle strapping me in.

"There is something I want to show you." He answered my questioning eyes. After he buckling himself in, we rode into the night. A nervous quake shook in my chest, when his fingers coiled around mine for the second time that night.

The drive was a quiet one besides the radio playing. I never would have thought of Lear being into R&B especially the older stuff. He sung softly under his breath. I felt like I just discovered a new species of life, had I not already been in love with him. I could see this being a moment were it could have started.

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