White Knight and The Black Prince/ Tonight Not Again

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White Knight and The Black Prince

I inhaled and exhaled deeply coming from the fire exit. I shook my head trying to erase the memory of the conversation.

"You really were going to exit any means necessary, huh?" Colin approached jokingly.

Crap, I was hoping to make a straight shot to the bathroom until my eyes cleared. He instantly pulled me into his arms.

"What's wrong?" Like a classic white knight appearing when I needed him the most, to comfort and protect me. I curled into his embrace, the tension slowly began to melt.

"It's nothing just give me a second." He gave me just that.

"Now do you want to talk about it?" He asked pulling away, his hands at my shoulders.

"No, I would rather just go." As I spoke the fire door re opened. Colin brows turned downwards, his grip tightened.

"What did you do to her?" This was the first time that I heard Colin's voice sound anything but sweet.

"Don't get your cape twisted Boywonder, we were just talking." That tone I did recognized. Lear was done with this conversation. He spoke to Colin much like he use to talk to me. To the point, short and simple.

"Talking doesn't bring tears to her eyes."

"It doesn't concern you. But there is one thing that does." Lear stepped directly behind me my back stiffen. Why did he move so close? Colin eyes filled with fire.

"Should I tell him or should you?" He leaned speaking into my ear, a shiver followed by goosebumps engulfed me. He couldn't be serious. Was he really going to tell Colin about our last time together?

"Tell me what?" Colin attention was now on me.

I wanted to yell at Lear. Why would he want to ruin this with Colin? He didn't want me.

Just like a black prince who rivaled a white knight; he held a dark side that was luring. Mounts of charm and devil good looks, and like a classic black prince, he laughed.

"I guess I'll tell him then." He snatched up my hand yanking me to his side. Colin went ridged, his face beet red. His hands had since left me, now clinched at his side. I peeked up at Lear, his smile never waivered. He was enjoying this, I tried to pull my hand back but it made him hold tighter.

"Hayley here, promised me a dance before she left." A short laugh of relief escaped me. I felt like I just won a game of chess against the reaper.

Colin's fist loosen. "Is that true, Hayley?"

The black prince answered for me, "We could just stand here and talk if you like. I'm sure we have a few common interests." His eyes cut to me, I got the undertone of his statement.

He began pulling me towards the floor. Colin hand landed on his shoulder.

"I sense you have a problem with me, Lear."

Lear knocked the hand away, "I do."

"The reason?"

"You've been making it a habit of standing in my way."

"Figuratively or literally?" The icy statement course through my veins. Had Colin suspected something?

"As of right now, both." Dragging me along he stepped eye to eye with the other blonde. The silent stared down, tossed back so much tension. I nervously looked around seeing if anyone else heard the crackle, I swear I did, coming from them.

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