I Miss The Misery/ Straitjacket Feeling

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I Miss the Misery

I stretched after leaving the afternoon writers meeting. My brain felt fried. Script rewrites and new pilots could do that to a person. I headed to the coffee machine, when an arm hooked into mine.

"We're having lunch. Let's go." Lucia began to drag me down the hall towards the elevator.

"Luc, I have a deadline." She ignored me until we was out the building halfway down the block. I rolled my eyes I use to love that we work for the same station, she was a designer in the wardrobe department. And just like everything else in her life she dominated.

"Lucia, why are you so aggressive?" I snatched my arm back. "Geez, have you been working out." I rubbed at my arm.

"Don't you get fussy with me, Hayley. I haven't seen you since the party. That was almost two weeks ago."

"I've been busy, you know how it goes with new shows in the beginning. All hands on deck. I had rewrites and late meetings. And I saw you this morning."

"From down the hall in passing." She accused.

"I texted you last night." She crossed her arm, a frown stained her face.

"We haven't hung out in forever and you left me with Mimi and Tasha to help with the wedding. I love those girls to death but Hayley they drove me insane."

I laughed at her desperation, "So you just needed someone to play buffer. Oh poor Lucia."

"Seriously, Hales where have you been? So what I got a few texts messages and a couple of waves in the studio hall. But I miss my cousin, it hasn't been the same."

"You're right. Work has just been keeping me busy."

"And Colin." A shy smile appeared on her face. I smirked.

"Yea, him too." She squealed and grabbed my hands.

"Come on, tell me everything." Next thing I knew I was sitting at our normal street café, ordering my usual.

Sipping her iced tea, Lucia tapped her fingers on the table impatiently.


"So..?" I couldn't help but toy with her.

"Hales, come on tell me about what is up with you and Colin."

"He is great, Lucy. I don't even know how to explain it. I think that I'm really happy." She gave a small tug at my hair.

"I can see that. Look at you, you seem so much more comfortable with yourself. You're hair no longer in the ponytail." She touched the slightly curled tresses.

"You're clothes, seems to fit you and you look great. He is really good for you."

"Thanks, I think so too." The waiter returned with our food. Man, real food, I haven't had anything other than take out because of my workload. I took a spoonful of the soup when Lucia spoke.

"It's breaking Lear's heart." I coughed, choking down the soup.

"Lucia...I don't know what you are talking about. What does that have to do with me?" My throat went dry, I gulped at the water.

"Hayley, Lear told me everything." I opened my mouth to speak but what do you say at moment like this. She watched me stumble to form words.

"What...What are you talking about? Told you want exactly?" I balled my fisted into my lap, I lowered my eyes not wanting to met hers.

"He came to my place a couple of days after the party. Drunk. He told me that I need to speak to you. That you were making a big mistake being with Colin." She leaned back against her chair and crossed her legs.

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