Beautiful With You/ You Think You Know Somebody

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Beautiful With You

When Colin arrived to pick me up, I swallowed down grief of the lose relationship with Lear. Later tonight I will allow myself to mourn my broke heart. As of right now, my focus had to be on the one who wanted me.

"You look awesome!" He complimented as he opened the car door for me. My fitted jeans, a snug black t-shirt surrounded by the faux leather black jacket finally saw the light of day. The outfit was something Lucia picked out, I kept it in the back of the closet. For my first date with Colin. It seemed appropriate.

"Thanks." He jogged over to the driver side, and we were off.

"Where are we going?" He grinned at me with a boyish grin taking my hand into his, settling in his lap.

"Be patient. You'll love it I promise." I nodded taking the leap of faith. I squeezed his hand briefly. My cracked heart wavered a bit, in warning that it might be to soon to allow another to handle it so soon after the damage. I shifted in my seat, cradling my head on the upholstery and closed my eyes with a sigh.


"No, just enjoying the moment." I felt my hand lift and a kiss on the knuckle.

"The date barely started and you are already enjoying it. Talk about ego boost." He joked, causing me to break into smile.

"Well enjoy the ride Hayley. It will totally be worth it."

Once the car stop I opened my eyes in confusion when we pulled into a driveway of a large house.

"Where are we?" He killed the engine, and hurried over to open the door for me. Lacing our fingers together he tucked me along.

"This is my childhood home. Come on." Instead of leading me to the front door, we walked around the back. The yard was huge neatly cut and well groomed. A large white round gazebo, planted in the middle. A small clothed circular table in the center set for two, matching wooden white chairs at each side. Stringed lights cascade along the top, a huge gorgeous pond nestled behind it, the sun setting played on the reflection of the water.

"Oh wow." I breathed out.

"You like it?" Colin whispered into my ear. I nodded in disbelief.

"Very much so, this is the first time someone had ever done anything like this for me. Thank you so much."

"Like I told you before I like you Hayley. And I want to prove it. Follow me." He leads me to the gazebo, then seated me before seating himself.

"Wait for it." He called out to someone, and out of nowhere. Or at least it seemed like out of no where; since my focus was on everything else. Two gentleman appeared with trays placing it in front of us.

"I hope you don't mind. But I asked Lucia what was your favorite and had it prepared." The tops were removed, showing my favorite meal. The prickling in my eyes didn't go unnoticed.

"Do you not like it?" Concern laced his question.

"I love it Colin really. I didn't expect for you to put in so much effort for me, is all." He reached across taking my hand.

"Get use to it. It's well deserved."

The rest of the date went by smoothly, after dinner we walked along the pond, talking about everything from my career as a scriptwriter for television series and his as the COO in his father's company, until we stopped at hammock swing.

"You haven't live until you looked up at the stars in one of these. I've done this so many time when I was younger." He claimed, climbing in it daring me over. I shrugged and join him, his arm wrapped around me. I rested my head against his shoulder, "I have to say Hayley this has to be one of the best dates I have been on."

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