10. maybe

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lucas is a young jaden smith bc he was a cutieee (and now hes hot aff damn)


Zara's breath came out of her lips shaky as she stood in front of her mirror. The dark skinned girl felt stupid acting so nervous over Calum. Her Calum. The cute little boy that had a crush on her since they two kids met. The same boy that grew up and became a handsome young man, that made Zara's heart beat faster and her knees buckle. No reason to be nervous, right?

"Where ya going?" Zack asked and took a sit in Zara's mattress. 

"Out." The girl kept her answer short and continued to stress over how she looked, she was told to dress casual but she put on a nice back skirt mostly because she knew how much Calum liked her legs. 

"Are you staying the night?" 

Zara stopped her movements to think for a second. "I don't know, maybe."

"With who?" Zack's eyebrows danced up and down as he spoke in a mocking tone. 

"None of your goddamn business, Jonah is in charge while I'm out. There's leftover in the fridge, heat them up from dinner. Please behave, Zack." Zara almost begged as she looked at her 13-year-old brother that had a small tendency to act up. 

"I'll behave for you tonight, just because you haven't been on a date for so long. C'mon, tell me who's the lucky girl!" This time Zack was the one begging and Zara' heart clenched when she heard the word girl reminding her once again of who wrong all of this was.

"I told you it's none of your business, I'll let everyone know when I want to." The older sibling mumbled and grabbed her phone from the mattress. As she left the room she could hear Zack mumble something along the line of "I bet Jonah knows" and yes, Jonah did know, but he found out on his own.

"Have a good date, Z." Lucas' sweet voice said from the kitchen.

"Thanks, boo. Don't stay up late." Zara left a peck on her brother's forehead before she ran out the door knowing she had left Calum waiting for a couple minutes. 

Lucas and Zack watched their sister through the window as she got in Calum's car. 

"Why is Calum picking her up? Is he driving her to the girl's place or somethin'?" The older of the two boys said and furrowed his eyebrows.

Lucas shrugged his shoulders and placed in his mouth proceeding to chewing it annoyingly loud. "Dunno, maybe Cal's her date." 

Zack's face suddenly scrunched up in disgust and he punched his brother's shoulder. "Dude! That's fucking disgusting, Calum's a boy!" 

The younger boy however didn't seem to mind at all, the only thing that was bothering him at the moment was the aching spot his asshole of a brother had punched. Lucas didn't see the oh so disgusting thing about a boy and a girl dating.

Before all that conversation, Zara had entered Cal's car with a huge smile adorning her pretty face. 

"Hey." Her soft voice filled the car and Calum smiled as well almost leaning. "Don't, my brothers are watching from the window." Zara said quickly and Calum frowned a bit but understood completely. "Where are we going though?"

"It's a surprise." Calum grinned and eagerly started driving away. "God, I want to pull over and kiss you right now because your brothers aren't watching anymore but I also want to drive so we get there fast, such hard decisions." The boy groaned and pressed his foot a bit harder on the pedal. 

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