Shocks and Hurdles

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A much smaller verison of Geode is there, and Geode is trying to get closer.

The girl steps back, and drops the leash.
Geode smiles and wags his tail, but the beast charges past him.

It leaps for my throat, and I dodge it.
It grabs my spine instead, and begins to attack.
Geode begins to freak out, and I drop the leash.

Geode grabs thr beast in his jaws, and I fall to my knees.

My roomie, Coci or Coco, appears.
Her dragon picks me up, and leaves Geode with the abusive beast in his rock hard jaws.

The owner tries to get closer, but the girl is wearing white.

Suddenly, the Cheif is there, and he prys the beast out of Geodes' grasp unharmed.



I struggle, wishing that my back wasn't bleeding like mad.

My back suddenly stops bleeding, and my brian focuses.

I twist free of Blus' grip, and fall onto my hands and knees.

I relaize I'm still bloody, but I can save my friend from death.
I sprint down stairs from our dorm, and into the lunch room.
Blood stains my nice grey sweater, but I can get it out later.

I grab Geodes' leash.
The Cheif asks me what happened, and I spill the truth all over the place.

The girl walks up and punches me square in the jaw.
I hold onto Geode, who lunges for her leg.
He catches her pantleg, which rips off in Geodes' mouth.
He spits it out like poison.
He looks at her in horror, and begins to freak out.
I hold on, and take him else where.

He growls and paws at his mouth.
I reach into his gaging mouth, and pull out a shard of glass from his throat.
He coughs, and flops to the floor exhausted.
That was too close.

I carry my two hundred pound friend up the stairs, and into my dorm.
Coco is there, crying.
But this time it isn't her boyfriends' texts.

Blu is on the floor, shivering and spasming.
I realize what's happening, and get Geode to hold his mouth open.
I pull out a hunk of glass.

The dragon stops spasming, and Coco calms down.

Geode falls back to the floor, body tense.
I pick him up, and move him to my bed.

He finds the blankets, and burrows into them.
He shivers, and backs up to burrow under all five heavy quilts my parents sent.

He disappears beneath the mountians of blankets.
Unsure where he is, I sit on the chair.
I grab the brochure, and notice something right away.
My head begins to swim, I begin to sweat heavily, and my muscles tense.
Why does he think I'll be a good cop?

Coco walks in, and sees the brochure in my hands.
She cheers, "Nice! How'd you score that invite?"

I tell her what happened after I left the baptist church.
She exclaims, "Wow! You caught an arson? You really are meant for police life!"
I begin shaking from shock.

My roomies slightly tan skin and brown hair swish behind her as she goes to sit on my bed across from me.

Being a smart girl, she pats the bed.
And quick nudge from under the blankets tells her she's patting Geodes' soft head.

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