Chapter 2

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  I want to thank shatteredworlds for the new cover and I am sorry if there are some grammar and/or spelling mistakes but I didn't really want to edit it tonight since I really wanted to update the story and sorry that it is so short. Better than nothing. 


I was picking up clothes off of my floor to wash when I saw movement outside my window. Lily Corey, it was Lily. I watched as she closed her curtains and moved across the room. I t has been a week since she came back and I was still surprised. I thought ten years ago I would never see her again, and there she was. Riding down the rode in the back seat of the family car driving up to there old home.

Ten years can do wonders to a person's body. Lily was small for her age when she was 10, most people thought she was 6 or 7 and had a boy's hair cut. Now, wow. That's all I can say, wow! She's going to be 21 in a few months and her hair is much longer now and has natural highlights in it. Ten years and I still remembered her birthday, April 20th . Every year at midnight I would wish her a happy birthday, even if she couldn't hear me.

Never thinking that I would ever see her again there she was, watching me yell at old Miss. Clare, the richest lady in town. She became rich after her husband died while working on his car. The cops found that someone had pushed it onto him so that the car would run over him and kill him. Everyone thinks it's Miss. Clare who pushed the car but the cops couldn't find any proof that she did it.

I didn't care that she caught me yelling at her, but what I did care about was her catching me yelling at someone after years of being apart. If she was anyone else I wouldn't care, but she is Lily. Don't ask me why but I don't know why this matters to me. I'm not one to care for what people think of me. Everyone in town thinks of me of the rude man in town who was sweet as a child and is heading down the wrong rode. Funny, what rode since I haven't left town in ages?

Living by yourself for so long as I have can do things to you, but I have grown to love being by myself. I walked into the kitchen and walked over to the cabinet and took a box of pasta out and made some noodles and cooked shrimp to go with it. Twenty minutes later I sat down to eat when my phone ringed. I don't know this number,I thought as I answered the phone.

“Hello?” I said after I finished my bite of food.

“Jack Dark? I'm sorry for calling so late but it's Mrs. Corey from down the road and I was wondering if you would like to join us for dinner,” she said as she moved around on her end.

“I'm sorry but I'm eating already,” I said. Even if I hadn't been eating I would have still said no but this being the truth made me feel somewhat better for turning her down.

“How about for dessert?” I don't go to people's homes, it usually ends up talking about family and becoming friends and I have done just fine having only one friend. If I went I would have to deal with Lily and if she was still the same she will bring up the fight tonight and I don't want that to be our first conversion with her back home.

“I'm sorry, but I have got to work in the morning and got clothes to wash,” I said telling partly the truth. I ended the call and cleaned up the kitchen from dinner and stood in front of the kitchen sink and watched as I saw Lily and her friend Kait walk out to the back yard to set on the back steps. Someone lit a cigarette and was hoping it wasn't Lily.

Kait was a wild girl, not a bad wild girl but one that would go running in the snow in a tank-top and shorts. That was how I met her two years ago, minus the snow part. It was during the summer and I was doing yard work when she rode up on her bike wearing a tank-top with an angel on it covering its face.

Jack Dark (on hold)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin