Chapter 11- To Learn Discipline

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Now that Vascar could talk, it seemed like he wold never stop. Not that I'm complaining, he keeps me company when I'm feeling alone, and now he could respond back more efficiently. One thing he comforted me the most one was my parents. After two weeks with no response, I was getting worried. Had the runner been ambushed? Or did they just not want to respond?

'Talia, do not fret, the runner could have ran into trouble', he said laughing at his play on words, then continuing in a more serious tone, 'have patience.'

But patience was one thing I couldn't tolerate at the moment. I had had patience with my parents for my whole life. I was always good, did what I was told, spoke respectfully, and listened, not counting my last day at home, of course. But now, I was sick of it. It was time for them to show me some respect for once. Patience, why would I need patience to wait for them to write back to their only child? Vascar, sensing this, changes the subject to training tomorrow, and I go along with it for his sake, but in the back of my mind a storm was brewing and the world would shake when it broke loose.


Time seemed to fly by, and about two weeks later, Vascar and I both arrived at our lesson excited beyond belief. So excited that we arrived early for once.

This time, it was just Oromis and I alone, for which I was grateful, I didn't want Morzan ruining the moment I have been looking forward to most.

Oromis laughed a deep hearty laugh when we walked in early as he said, "of course you arrive early today! I'm guessing you would like to start right away?"

Instead of answering, I just quickly nod my head as he motions to his studies. I had never been in there before, but it looked fairly simple. A desk sat in the middle of the room and numerous white slabs with beautiful pictures on them lined the walls. But we did not stay in the room for long, but instead walked right through to a dark room set on the opposite side of the study.

The first thing I noticed when I walked in was that it was dark and smelled like leather. Oromis lights a lamp and revealed to me the reason for the leathery smell. Along the wall, saddles of all different makes, models, and sizes are hanging, their straps dangling down to the floor. Walking up to the far left, I run my hand over the sleekest and smallest of them all. Oromis follows me over and grabs it off its hook, then turns and walks out the door, shifting the saddle to support its awkward shape.

As we head back out into the large training room, Vascar sniffs the saddle excitedly, then says, 'well what are we waiting for? Let's strap it on and get going!'

Oromis laughs again then sets to work strapping on the saddle, telling me how to do it as he goes along, but honestly, I wasn't listening. I was too excited to pay attention to anything except strapping myself into the saddle and flying with Vascar for the first time.

The leather was old and worn, molded from riders before using it as their first saddle. Thinking of the legends who had rode in this before me causes my body to tremble from excitement. Vascar is also trembling, his muscles clenched and reading to spring into the open air.

"Now, what I would like you to do", Oromis starts, causing both Vascar's and my eyes to snap to him, "is to fly out the whole in the ceiling and do one lap around the city. Just one, then come back. You may go-."

He wasn't even able to finish his sentence as Vascar launches off, his muscles springing into action. His wings snap out and propel us forward and out the ceiling into the open air.

I had flown many times before, whether on Jarnunvösk, Valeska, or Glaedr, but none of those could compare. The wind blew through my hair as a through my hands into the air and laughed my joys into the wind. Letting out a bugle of his own, Vascar turns towards the perimeter of the city and pumps even higher into the sky.

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