Time Will Tell part 15

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The days raced by in a blur. Near the end of the first week, Colin provided Libby with a notarized copy of the deed. As one week became two, eventually easing into three, Libby tried not to obsess about her inability to return home. Instead she focused on the exhilaration of doing a job she loved, using her workday routine as something to count on. Breakfast in the morning followed by training the thoroughbreds with Colin until the heat set in. From there she helped Gus check on the mares before moving on to the foals, and then training the yearlings with Nathan in the afternoons. Lunch was somewhere in between.

The work was challenging as well as rewarding. Mostly because the men around her took her opinion seriously and valued her contribution to their end goals. That alone was worth every bit of the time spent in the past, and did much to take her mind off the hardships of living without electricity and the Internet. What Libby would give for a hot bath, she thought, trudging down the path toward the trees in another attempt to wish herself home. Her routine now included visiting the trees every night. At this point, she was certainly ready to leave. Yet, no amount of wishing seemed to matter.

Was she stuck here? Her heart skipped beats at the thought. No! She refused to believe that. The trees weren't working. With no idea as to why, the only thing to do was to keep trying. Hopefully, when she did return to her own time, it would be to within minutes of her earlier departure. The thought of having someone in the future worry over her disappearance only added to her troubles.

There was one advantage to her delay. Colin began joining her in the evenings. Libby looked forward to seeing him emerge from the path if she happened to have her eyes open. If not—if it was one of those times she'd closed her eyes, only to open them and find him watching her—a thrill always went through her. It was a rush to imagine that he'd actually sought her out. She was coming to depend on his quiet strength. Too much, if she were honest.

Tonight was no different as she glanced up and watched his approach. A smile lit his expression when he noticed her. Libby crossed her fingers, hoping that he was just as happy to see her as she was to see him.

Warmth flooded her senses when his steady blue gaze ensnared hers, holding her eyes captive for what seemed like infinity. Finally, the spell was broken when he turned to sit down next to her.

As Colin stared off in the distance, Libby surreptitiously studied him. He seemed different tonight. Smoothing out her jeans in an effort to calm her rapid heartbeats, she prayed he didn't realize the effect he had on her. That was all she needed. To be trapped in the past with Sam Thorpe's great—God only knew how many greats—grandfather and him knowing about her crush. Just another destination to add to her guilt trip with Dave in tow, thanks to her constant comparison between the two men.

"So, how was your day?" He tore off a blade of grass and stuck it into his mouth. "How is the foal doing?"

Libby cleared her throat. "Fine." She went on to tell him more about her day, something she loved—that and their common interest in horses. Libby could probably talk his ears off about the subject and he'd listen intently, as if he valued her thoughts. If only Dave could be more like Colin.

"How about yours?" She must have imagined the earlier look because there seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary in his manner as he recounted his day.

"I thought you could wish yourself home," he said after a lengthy pause.

Libby shrugged. "I thought so too."

"You have the deed, so why are you still here?"

"I don't know." She sighed. "But at least I'm enjoying myself."

"I'm enjoying your company." His gaze moved over the landscape as he exhaled. "I mean my words. I feel comfortable talking with you." His attention returned to her face. "I find myself hurrying with my chores in order to come out and meet you under the trees." He hesitated and met her gaze. "Why do you think that is?"

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