Chapter 6

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Darren, Bonnie and Joey began walking to their final lesson of the day, Transfiguration, when they spotted Edward Cullen walking the opposite way down the corridor - a pained look strained across his face. He was clutching his books so tightly he was going to break the spines. Bella was a few feet behind him, watching the floor intently as she walked. Probably determined not to let another bug keep her from being on time to her lessons.

"What is up with Edward?" Bonnie asked, watching him out of the corner of her eye as he passed them.

Joey was much less discreet and turned his whole head to stare at Edward as he passed.

"I'm not sure. He looks a little constipated," Joey said absently while taking a pack of Redvines out of his robe pocket - tearing the plastic wrapping with his teeth.

"Maybe he's frustrated, you know, sexually," Darren suggested. Bonnie looked at him like he'd just asked her to help him look for his tampons.

"Sexually frustrated?" Bonnie started to giggle, slapping a grinning Darren on his arm.

"Nah, I mean, Edwards a good looking guy. Not saying I'm having a turn or anything... but he could get any girl he wants," Joey said, chewing his Redvines loudly, jealousy flashed in his eyes but disappeared as quickly as it had come. "I'm sticking with constipation."

The three entered their Transfiguration class and sat down. Captian Jack was sat behind his desk, rifling through the stacks of parchment with a look of bewilderment on his face. He stared at an old textbook before smelling it and dropping it back on the desk - dust burst upwards and swarmed around his head, making him splutter. He waved his arms manically. Then he stopped.

The whole class was staring at him. He smiled a toothy grin and cleared his throat.

"Hullo, class. I am Captain Jack Sparrow. I like booty and pretty ladies." His hat was a little askew.

Not a brilliant start.

"Todaaaay..." Captain Jack tottered around his desk to stand in front of it, "we are going to be turning water... into rum!" He said pleasantly. "I've given you all water on your desks. How nice of me..." He looked around at his class expectantly.

Everyone tried to smile at him but failed. Captain Jack ended up looking at a sea of grimaces. He clapped his hands together happily. "Excellent! Hop to it then..." He staggered back to his desk and flopped down again.

Everyone stood up uncertainly, fishing around for their wands and looking to see what everyone else was doing. They had already transformed water into other liquids in previous years with Professor McGonagall, but never into rum. Alcohol was particularly difficult to transform. It usually ended in explosions.

Everyone was looking around, not sure what to do, until Bonnie rolled her eyes and rumaged through her stack of books. Darren and Joey were either side of her.

Bonnie flicked through her Transfiguratioon textbook until she found the spell.

"Eye of rabbit, harp string hum, turn this water into rum!" she flicked her wand at the goblet of water and it dissolved into a rich rosy peach colour. She picked the goblet up and sniffed it, everyone was watching her.

Captain Jack rose from his chair, a look of delight on his face. He hurried over to Bonnie and took the goblet from her hands. He sipped it.

"50 points to Gryllindorr!" he yelled and he downed the rest of the goblet.

"It's Gryffindor, sir," Bonnie said.

"Be quiet and make me more rum."

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