Chapter 17

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A/N omg I'm so sorry this took so long to be updated! Just thank you if you haven't forgotten about this story, and I really hope you enjoy the chapter :) And say hello to a couple characters who've returned! Don't forget to comment what you think about what's happening at Hogwarts :3 And of course, votes are seriously appreciated.

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"W-What are you doing in here? .... It's three in the morni-"


Sami blinked dizzily. Her tired, flummoxed expression smoothed into a look of complete ignorance. The intruder pocketed their wand and moved to Sami's bed; gently, they tugged her from her sheets and steered Sami towards the dorm room door.

Sami staggered along, blissfully unaware of where she was being taken.


"Darren! Darren!"

Darren looks up, his mouth full of bacon, to see Bonnie flying towards him down the Great Hall. "What's up?" He says when she reaches him. Bonnie slides into the seat next to him and lowers her voice so only Darren can hear.

"No one has seen Sami all morning. She's missed every class and she wasn't in her dorm bed this morning," Bonnie tells him, watching as Darren's chews slowly come to a stop before he pushes his plate away, his lunch forgotten. "We think something might have happened-"

"But Sami never misses class," Darren interrupts, talking mainly to himself. Unless something's really bothering her. "Bonnie, have you seen anyone at the lake?"

Bonnie shakes her head, her large, frizzy hair bouncing on her shoulders. Despite the fact she's never had a conversation with Sami in her life, Bonnie's eyes are still wide with concern. "Most of the Slytherin girls have been searching the ground all lunch," she replies. "They weren't too keen on me helping though. Im sorry Darren, I know this must be awful..."

Darren's heart sinks, this isn't like Sami at all. What if she's hurt herself somewhere and can't move? Or been hurt by someone...

This thought makes Darren's stomach lurch, so he puts it to one side. He runs a hand through his hair as he thinks, trying to ignore the people around them, slowly lifing food to their mouths as they pretend not to be trying to listen in to what the two are talking about.

His frown deepens as he realises something, and then he lowers his voice again. "Do you think it has something to do with Lauren?"

"Talk of the devil," comes a sickly sweet voice from behind where the two are speaking. Darren whirls around to see Lauren standing with her hands behind her back, rocking on her heels. A smile is on her face as she looks back at Darren, who narrows his eyes. "Sorry to interrupt, I was just-"

"Where's Sami." Darren says. It's not so much a question, but more of a demand to tell him. He feels certain she knows exactly where she is.

"Im sorry?" Lauren answers, still smiling, but furrowing her brows a little.

Darren gets up from the table and stands to face her properly, then repeats the question. "Tell me where Sami is or I swear to dead God-"

"I'm afraid I don't know what you're-"

"I know you have something to do with her missing!" Darren growls. People start to turn to watch them and Bonnie stands too, looking uncomfortable. "It's exactly what you'd do! If Sami's out of the equation then you can have-"

"Don't you dare, don't you dare say it..." Laurens eyes flicker with anger but she already knows what's coming.

"You can have me all for yourself, don't even deny it, that's why you kissed me, you phsyco. Just get it into your head that I'm with Sami, not you. And I'm getting sick of your games and your interferring, just leave us alone, " Darren finishes, his mind still reeling with worry for his lost girlfriend and anger at the person in front of him for all the trouble she's causing their relationship.

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