Chapter 17

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Marius and Cosette stood there in silence for what felt like centuries. They had spoken often about the revolution, but they had never gotten around to talking about Marius actually going. Now that it was here, Cosette didn't know what to say. She didn't want Marius to go out with the chance that he might be killed. She wouldn't be able to live with herself if he were to fall. Still, she couldn't tell him not to go. Marius had been preparing for this for a long time now, and she couldn't just tell him to give up on something he believed in for her.

Marius looked at Cosette, and lifted her chin. He couldn't tell what she was thinking about the conflict at hand. He was at crossroads. He wanted to stay with Cosette more than anything in the world. However, he couldn't let his friends down. They had all been working really hard, and couldn't simply give up now. On the other hand, Cosette was the only reason he was fighting. Sure, Marius had once had other reasons for fighting, but they were small reasons that now reflecting on that he was not extremely passionate about. After Marius had locked eyes with Cosette, he had devoted his life to Cosette, and if it meant throwing his life away so that she could have a better life he was willing to do it. Only if Cosette wanted him to though.

Marius's words crept into Cosette's ears, "Cosette, I won't go if you don't want me to."

Cosette's eyes widened, "Really?"

Marius nodded. Cosette pondered this for a moment. She could simply say that she did not wish for him to risk his life, and he would stay here with her. Though that sounded nice to her, Cosette could already feel the guilt of forcing him to stay building up inside of her. Either way, her answer to his question would end up being very bittersweet. Cosette sighed, "No, I can't ask you to do that."

Marius rubbed her arms soothingly, "Why?"

"Because I know how important this is to you and to everyone else," Cosette replied quietly, "and no matter how much it pains me to let you go... I have to."

Marius gave her a soft smile, and leaned down slowly to gently plant a kiss upon her lips. Cosette smiled as their lips gently brushed together. God, she was going to miss this when he left tomorrow. Marius slowly pulled away, and whispered to her, "We are going to win this thing. I am going to pull all the way through so that I can come back home to you."

Cosette could feel tears building up in her eyes that Marius soon wiped away for her. Cosette replied in a hushed tone, "Good, because I'll be right here waiting for you when you do."

Marius chuckled slightly, then his face settled upon a contented smile. He took both of Cosette's hands in his gently, "I need to rest. I have a big day tomorrow... Would you maybe like to stay with me?"

Cosette smiled widely, and nodded. She wanted to spend every moment she could with Marius before he had to leave. This way, if the worst case scenario were to happen, she could at least hold onto the last few moments they shared together. Marius's smile widened at her answer as he picked her up gently, carrying her bridal style towards his room. Cosette giggled, "Don't drop me."

As he laid her down on the bed, he took his place beside her, and kissed her forehead. He whispered, "I could never drop you. Ever."

Cosette blushed deeply as she snuggled up to Marius. Marius wrapped his arms around her, and was about to wish her a good night when she faced him. Her eyes growing a bit misty, "Marius... I have to tell you something."

Marius nodded, "You can tell me anything Cosette. What is it?"

Cosette stared into his eyes deeply as she let the words fall from her lips, "Thank you. Thank you for everything. Thank you for all that you've done. Thank you for the all the things you don't even know you've done. I'd be nothing without you Marius. I might have even been dead without you... I love you so much Marius, and I am so grateful for you... I just wanted you to know that."

Marius could now feel tears springing into his eyes that Cosette had now wiped away for him before kissing him softly. He pulled her closer, "I love you too Cosette. Now, let's go to sleep."

Cosette nodded, and snuggled as close as possible to him, "Good night my love."

Marius smiled as he uttered his good night to her as well. This was probably the best way for him to spend his night before the barricades. He just hoped this wouldn't be the last.

The morning dawned on Paris faster than anyone had expected. Soon, the sun was streaking the pavement with its warm tones, and soon all of France would be buzzing around. Though the day seemed bright and cheerful, a melancholy mood was set upon the scene of the two lovers. Cosette had helped Marius get ready that morning before his departure. Very few words were spoken between the two until the moment for their goodbyes came.

Cosette wrapped her arms around Marius tightly as she pressed her lips against his deeply. She pulled away, and told Marius, "Now you stay safe out there, alright?"

Marius nodded, "I will. I promise. I'll be back home before you know it."

Cosette nodded, and reluctantly pulled away from him. She did not want to say goodbye to him. She couldn't bring herself to form the words. Instead, she said as Marius headed for the door, "I'll see you later Pontmercy."

Marius looked back at her, and smiled warmly. He replied, "See you later, Cosette." With that, he slowly shut the door, leaving Cosette alone in the large house.

Cosette fell down to her knees, and prayed ."Please God, bring him home to me," she pleaded to her creator, "please."

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