Chapter 11

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After a while, the pair pulled away from one another, seeming to share the same goofy grin. They had seemed to have lost track of time, for the early morning sunrise that had cascaded against them before had turned into a mid morning settlement. Neither one of them spoke for a while, for nothing really needed to be spoken right then and there. Marius and Cosette were simply subsided in their own happiness in the occasion to add words to their emotions.

To the surprise of both of them, Marius was the one to break their silence after a while. He whispered to Cosette, "So... What does this mean... You know, for you and me?"

Cosette blushed a bit, and gave him a soft smile. She intertwined her fingers with his, and replied, "Well, I am hoping that it means we're together now... Would I be correct in saying this?"

Marius's smile widened, "That's what I was hoping too." He could not believe that this was happening. There were no words in the universe to describe the feelings that were surrounding him then. He then asked her, "Well then, would I possibly be able to take you out tonight?"

Cosette tapped her chin, as if she were thinking really hard. She then giggled, "I do not know. I am pretty booked today... But I think I can move some things around to just squeeze you in."

Marius chuckled, and have her hand a squeeze. He then helped them both up, and kissed her lightly. He responded, "Good. Shall we go at around 7?" Cosette nodded at him, smiling like crazy. Marius smiled back, and then became serious for a moment. He looked at her concerned, "Are you going to be alright?"

Cosette thought for a moment. Was she going to be alright? She had a long way to go until she would be completely over everything going on. Still, with Marius by her side, it made things a bit easier to get through. She gave him a soft smile, and nodded. "It's not going to be easy," Cosette answered, "but I think I will be fine for now."

Marius kissed her forehead gently, "You know I am here if you need me."

Cosette blushed, "Yeah. I know. Thanks." Marius walked her back home, kissed her cheek, and told her he would come and get her at 7. Cosette then went inside to rest before she got ready. On the way to her bed, she passed by the pit of hell that contained her demons. With a heavy sigh, she closed the cabinet tightly, and locked it. "Not tonight," she thought to herself, "not again."

Then, Cosette was hit over the head with an idea. She looked down at the key in her hand, and clasped her fingers around it tightly. Slowly, she lingered out of her house, and towards the sewer drain outside. She looked down into the pit. Once she did this, there was no turning back. Did she really want this? Of course she did. Even if she did not want to do it for herself, she had to do it. It was for her and Marius. Keeping that image in her head, Cosette closed her eyes, and dropped the key down the drain.

Cosette sighed, and turned around back towards her house. She was filled with mixed emotions. There was a sense of liberation in dropping the key, like a barbell had been lifted off her frail shoulders. Still, there was also an overwhelming sensation of agony around her. She could not explain why she felt this way. It was not like she wanted this addiction, but there was just something missing without that key. That's when the itch began.

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