Woman's Boobs Bring So Much Trouble

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Hello there, my readers, I actually really, really, like writing this story so far. The clique things might sound a bit overwhelming and could actually earn a few "eyes roll". I hate it myself, I can't help but feel my eyes roll as I read anything explaining the subdivions of the school. But I swear that my it's essential for the book. What I'm aiming is pretty big with this story, which is breaking the boundings of the stereotypes. Really, can you imagine a story where's there's no stereotypes, cliques? Exactly what I'm trying to do.

So here it is. My try. I hope you enjoy!

                   Chapter Eight
Woman's Boobs Bring So Much Trouble

"Well seems like you have started a trend," Violet grins at the sight of the blonde, now blue, prick walking around school.

I smirk victoriously, "So what? You guys dating or something?" My eyes widen at her words.

"Ew?" And she rolls her eyes.

"Come on? Both blue hair, dyed when you appear, I think he's trying to attract your attention." She wiggles her eyebrows.

"Again, Ew." I say as we walk around, "We just live in the same house."

"Oh, you are related?" She raises her eyebrow.

"No. We just live in the same house," I say kind of tired of repeating the same thing again and again.

She still looks puzzled, "Oh you are one of those exchanged students?"

"His parents are taking me in, I'm a foster kid." I simply say. This had to be explained sooner or later, better now that I had the chance. She stayed quite for a moment.

"Cool." she says, I guess she couldn't think of nothing else to say. "Okay, no. I didn't mean it like that, of course being a foster child isn't cool-. Shit, what I meant to say was that I'm cool with it." She seems to finish up but quickly adds up, "Not that there's something wrong with it."

"It's cool, dude, relax." I say as my eyes widen at Violet's speech.

"Sorry," she says with a blush creeping on her face. "I just never had a foster friend before."

It's lunch time, we enter the cafeteria, the amount of people inside is uncountable. The voices are loud and echoed the room.

"So what really happen to Harris's hair?" She asks as we search for an empty table. We finally found one in the corner of the room, we sit down and settle down.

"He pissed me off."

This makes Violet laugh, "You realize you just dyed the hair of the school's most beloved student?" I can't really comprehend why people idolize him.

"He's a jackass," I say as I open my lunch bag.

"He is the reason why we won against Cordoba. They are the biggest pricks in town." She says with a face, "He kicked Drake Sanders butt nicely. That jackass was ready to tackle him and Dean freaking jumped him! His foot touched his back, and landed like a cat right in the goal."

"You seem to be into this school spirit thing," I say noticing the fire in her eyes every time she acknowledge Dean beating the other team.

She nods, "I got a ton of school's spirit. I wanted to be a cheerleader."

I grin at her answer, she looks pretty proud of it, "What happen? Why aren't you shaking pompons?"

She rolls her eyes and sighs, busy raping her Danone chocolate moose. "Apparently, I'm too 'alternative' for them." She says and I frown, she seems like a very bubbly person, maybe the hair color is a bit artificial and she's not the biggest on bright colors, but she certainly didn't look nowhere near the category.

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