The Mark of Athena

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Chapter 1



Jason looked out of one of the many portholes from inside the Argo II. He saw a crowd of people starting to form. He could see some of their faces. He saw a blonde haired kid holding a disfigured Teddy Bear, which made the back of his neck tingle. He knew he should of remembered the kid, but he didn't. Hera had promised him that most of his memory would return in time. So far, he only remembered Reyna and a few of his friends names. But, he knew that he once had something with Reyna. He wanted to remember so much. Every time he got close to remembering something, it would slip away.

"Nervous?" someone said from behind him.

Jason turned around. It was Annabeth.

"A little," Jason said back.

Annabeth came closer to him. He could tell that she hadn't slept for a while. She walked up to the porthole and nodded.

"Me too, I haven't seen him for so long..."

Annabeth didn't have to finish the sentence for Jason to figure out what she meant. Annabeth was talking about Percy.

"Hey, it'll be OK," Jason said to her. "I bet he's waiting for you in the big crowd there, just waiting to see your face."

Annabeth looked at him, then she did something Jason would of never thought Annabeth would do in a million years. She hugged him.

"Thank you Jason, I needed to hear that." she said.

Jason nodded, and Annabeth let go.

"Come on," she said. "We should probably go."When they got to the deck of the Argo II, everyone was already there, but, they didn't bring that many people with them.

The head counciler from every cabin, was there, along with Jason's sister Thalia.

Jason realized something was wrong. Then he figured out no one was making any noise or even talking to one another, which he thought was very weird.

He went to go find Piper and Leo, who were at the wheel of the boat.

"What's going on?" Jason asked.

"Those Roman kids won't let us get off the boat," Travis Stoll told Jason.

Jason got kinda mad when Travis said that. Ever since he had remembered there was a Roman camp, people talked trash about it, Jason always felt that he had to defend it.

"Jason Grace," a voice from the crowd below yelled. "Come down now,"

Jason looked at Piper. She gave an encouraging nod. At the same time, Leo had pressed a button on a huge contral panel that a ramp appear out of the side of the boat.

Jason took a deep breath, and walked down the ramp.

He looked among the crowd. The dude with the dead Teddy Bear looked like he would rather die, than be there. He saw a kid holding a flask, with red all around his mouth. He saw a girl, with dark skin, and dark curly brown hair, with eyes like pure gold. She was holding hands with a boy, who looked Chinese, with a babyish face, and a strange military hair cut, that did not go with his face at all. The girl realized that Jason was looking at him and smiled. He smiled back. When Jason saw the two people in the front of the group, his heart almost stopped.


Jason's neck tingled when he saw her. Her long dark hair, that look that said everyone better get out of my way or else I will kill you, and those eyes. Those beautiful, amazing eyes.

The guy beside her freaked him out even more. It was Percy Jackson. Annabeth had described him so many times, it was burned into his brain.

Black hair, sea green eyes. He was also holding a pen. Jason wasn't sure how much damage a pen could do, but he kept that thought to himself.

" Jason Grace," Reyna said. " Welcome home."

She walked toward him, Jason just stood there, like he was frozen. Jason didn't know what she was going to do, until she put out her hand. Jason shook it.

" Meet me in an hour at the Senate House. You have to tell me everything."

Jason let go of her hand.

She looked at Percy. "Are you sure we can trust them?" Reyna asked.

" They're my family," Percy replied "We can trust them."

Reyna nodded.

" FELLOW DEMI-GODS," someone yelled from the boat. "CAN WE COME DOWN NOW, 'CAUSE WE'RE STARVING!"

Jason cursed in his head. He couldn't believe Leo just did that. Jason gave the boat their all-clear signal - a thumbs up- and everyone started to get off the ship.

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