The Protector

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Someone's POV

Watch out Mia, I'm sure i'll get you. One way or another. You got something I want. Hahahaha

Mia's POV

It was very rainy night. I was bored to death! It was midnight but i'm not tired even a little!

But suddenly there was a little light under the floor board. I was a little scared to go near it but i'm not that scared.

When I lifted up the floor board I found a white pearl necklace and a dusty old book.

I quickly put it on. It was glowing brighter. When I started to read the book i suddenly flashback to the last time I saw it.


' I was right! Someone was trying to get the necklace. As the proctector I need to protect it at any cause. If someone get it, well... It would be very ugly. ' " Okay I finished with my nightly journel entry. But I gotta focus. " then I put the book back in the floor.

End flashback

WHAT?! I'm a protector of a necklace? And what is a protector?! Well I guess I gotta protect the necklace. I put the book and the necklace back in the floor.

I began to rested at my bed and wander who I was. Was I a shy and cowardly girl or...

Something more.

No one's POV

It was a sunny afternoon. Kevin, Mia and Valerie was just enjoying the sunlight. Mia was still thinking about who she was. Kevin and Valerie stared to worry.

" Hey Mia, feeling okay? " Kevin said. Suddenly Mia started to cry. Kevin and Valerie was shocked.

" I'm just so confused right now. Who I was, I just can't remember that much " Mia said.

Kevin quickly comfort Mia by hugging her. " That's okay Mia. Just let it out, let it all out. " Kevin said while trying to calm her down.

Mia started to blushed hard. She was as red as a tomato. She calmed down. She looked at Kevin emerald green eye and suddenly remembered something.

It was just like when they were just kids. Mia fell down and comfort her.

Mia realized that Kevin was always by her side. " Thanks Kev " Mia said with the cutest smile you can imagined.

Kevin blushed. " Your blushing aren't you? " Valerie said with a smirked. " N-n-no I'm not! " Kevin responded. " Yeah right " Mia and Valerie laugh all afternoon except for Kevin who is blushing really hard.

Someone's POV

Grrr.... That red headed tomato is ruining my chances to get closer to Mia. If I want to get close to her, I must get that guy.

Well that was... Something. I'm really sorry if you waited ages to read my story. I would like to thanks hannahhunts1217 for not giving up to read my book. That's all for now. See you in the next's chapter.

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