Old Friend

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Mia and her friend's went to the park after school. They were having a great time until...

Mia's POV

I was getting comfortable with Valerie but I still have a little grugged on Kevin for eating my pizza. NO ONE SHOULD GET BETWEEN A GIRL AND HER PIZZA!!!!

Anyway, I was just walking, there was guy standing in front of me with a smirk in his face. By then I got really dizzy.

" Hey, Kev, Val, M. " he said with a rought voice. Kevin looked very furius and I littrely saw fire in his eye.

" Do I know you at all cause it seems like red know you. " I answers with a bored toned.

" Fiesty... I like it. Why don't we get back together like we used too? "

I was confused but then I was getting dizzy again and started to remember the accident.

" I-i-i-t was YOU???!!!!" I scream. I take a stepped forward an wanted to attack him but Valerie and Kevin hold me back.

Valerie POV

When me and Kevin see a tear from Mia's eye we knew that she was gonna attack.

Luckily, we hold her back. After Mia went on 'berserker mode' the guy ran away terrified.

After 5 minutes of holding Mia, Kevin and I let her go. She dropped to her knee and started crying.

She pound the grown with her fist and screamed " COME BACK HERE YOU PIECE OF S*** !!!!!! FIGHT ME LIKE A MAN YOU ARE!!!!!! HEARTBREAKER!!!!!!!! "

As her best friend, I was sad to see her like that. So, me and Kevin lift her up and try to calm her.

" Hey Mia how about we get aiskrim on me? " Kevin said. Mia nodded her head while wiping her tear from face.

I started to get impatience and shout to Mia " PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER! IT WAS JUST A GUY!!!!!! YOUR BETTER THAN HIM ANYWAY!!!!!! "

She was shocked to hear that her eyes started to water again. " Your right " she said to me. " I'm sorry for everything Kevin and Valerie. "

Me and Kevin smiled after hearing her answer. Along the way to the aiskrim shop, we were laughing and talking.

It was probably a wake up call for Mia. But we did make everybody think we're crazy after all that screaming, hehehe.

Yeah, finish my 5th chapter. I hope you guys like it. And if you guys have a few suggestions, please tell me.

Okay please like and comment and well and see you in the next chapter!

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