Chapter 3 | Searching For Her

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Killua's POV:

They say when your're in love the world seems colorful than it already is...

But when she left everything seemed to be black and white...

The once colorful beautiful Sakura trees are now gray and dull...

I don't believe it...

At least i dont want to...

I want to believe that was a nightmare ...

But its not...

This is reality...

The cold hard truth...

Why (y/n)...?

Gon's POV:

I felt Broken...

She was Special...

Aunt Mito-San told me about this feeling...

Its Love...

Brotherly and sisterly love...

Thats what i used to feel...

But now She's Gone...

Our Bond is Gone...

Why (y/n)...?

Kurapika's POV

I remember how we met...

A few days before the hunter exam...

I found her abandoned and alone...

Ever since that day i felt true happiness...

I've lost my family but she seemed to fill that missing piece...

She was my new family...

My little sister...

I promised myself that i wouldnt have her go to the dark side..., Like I almost did with my hatered...

I promised myself that i would protect her

I promised myself that i will fill in as the big brother image...

But i failed...

Some 'Brother' i am...

Leorio's POV

Its true...

We love (y/n) very much...

and after all that...

Im sure all of us still love her...

We refuse to believe anything...

Im breaking apart too...

All of us are...

Gon is in a corner, Killua is in another corner, Kurapika is in the bathroom trying to control his scarlet eyes, and im here in a kitchen chair just plainly staring at the table.

Thats it, I cant take it anymore DID THEY SERIOUSLY JUST GIVE UP?! JUST LIKE THAT? Loosing to control my anger and slam my fist on the table, causing Gon and Killua to look at me, and Kurapika comes out of the bathroom his eyes still scarlet and his cheeks stained with tears.

"HOW COULD YOU GUYS GIVE UP LIKE THIS?!" I yell on the verge of tears.

"BAKA SHE LEFT US, ALL OF US...She.." Killua then sniffed "Is never...coming...back" he croaked

"Leorio is right" Kurapika spoke up gaining the attention to Kurapika

"How so...?" Killua speaks his voice very soft

"You guys remember...When she jumped out of the window and turned around before she could fall she turned around you saw her crying, almost as if she didn't want this to happen." Kurapika says crying infront of us, Not even bothering to wipe the tears he continues "I feel like she was forced to do this...why else would she be crying?"

"I knew you would figure it out, now how about we try to find her?" I suggest

The 3 boys nod and go get ready in less than 1 minute they come out.

"Lets start now" Gon's voice croaked everytime he said a word. Without any words we all walked out of the house taking all necessary things we need.

Wait for us...(y/n)... We're comming...


3rd Person POV:

All the 4 boys were quite riding the train to their destination, Namico

They knew that if she would want to leave she would go there


Cause Namico has many people there, almost making it impossible for them to find a certain (h/c) haired girl.

But for (y/n) they would search the whole world just to at least see a glimpse of her, to see her bright smile, too see her laugh, too see her pout, too see her stuffing her face in with (f/f), To see her do something...anything....They all wanted to see her that desperately...

Date: August 11, 2016

Btw i just made up Namico, i just pressed random letters and added a 'co' at the end :3

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