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this is a short-fic so there will probably be eight chapters and most of them will be small :P like this one


Ashton held the warm coffee on his hand, scrolling through his facebook feed. Everyone was posting photos of themselves with their husbands and wives, it made Ashton feel lonely. He wishes he had someone by his side so he could love them and say cute things too - he isn't desperate, just needy. He always thinks about Luke in those moments.

Someone tapped on the window he was sitting next to, he recognized it as a co-worker and waved at the man, making him smile and walk away. Josh was a nice person, but he was a bit annoying towards Ashton as in arrogant (everytime he talked to Ashton was to brag about something, it pissed him off). His phone buzzed and he sighed, picking it up again and wishing it wasn't a message from the record studio - he was in his lunch hour, for God's sake.

Ashton blushed when he saw it was a text, a text from Luke. He quickly put down the phone, the object lying on its screen

The curly-haired man started asking himself if he should open it and reply. Would it make him look too desperate? Yes, he is desperate to talk to Luke and know what he is up to but at the same time he shouldn't.

He opens the message anyway.

[From: Luke]

hey ashton :-) how are you?

And oh god, there it is. The nose, Luke always puts them and that only makes him more adorable. Ashton locked the phone and put it on the table again, tugging his hair in frustration. His cheeks were on fire, suddenly he felt like a pre-teen again when he started crushing on Luke.

He decides to reply to the text anyway.

[To: Luke]

hey luke :) i'm doing okay, what about you?

Ashton plays with his fingers and bits his bottom lip, staring at the phone while the three dots move.

[From: Luke]

me too, wanna meet up sometime? we gotta catch up :-)

Ashton lets out a squeal and everyone in the café stares at him in silence. He smiles and the costumers go back to their lives, the waitress taps him in the shoulder and asks if he is okay.

"Yes ma'am, I'm sorry for disturbing." he says and the waitress smiles, walking away.

Should he meet up with Luke? That wouldn't be considered cheating right? Plus, maybe Luke just really wanted to catch up. Nothing would happen between them, Luke was getting married and he's loyal when he is in a relationship. Ashton is sure of that.

[To: Luke]

of course! when do you want to meet up? i'm free anytime

[From: Luke]

what about tomorrow at five on that café near the park? Beans&Sugar i think

i work there and get out at that time so

As known as where Ashton was right now and has been going there since he moved into the city yet he never saw Luke. Maybe he just got the job?

[To: Luke]

i'm actually there right now haha but yeah sure, i'll meet you

[From: Luke]

awesome! see you tomorrow then xx

Ashton grinned, feeling excited to meet up with Luke. He feels bad because he's still in love with him but at least they're becoming friends again. If Ashton can't have him as a boyfriend then he feels glad to have him as a friend.



-ana rita (moony)

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