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Ashton dragged himself out of the bed again, just like most days. It's not like he hates life, he just hates waking up early. It's when he has less energy and the desire to go to work it as minimum. He still had to go to walk his neighbour's dog since the lady was old and couldn't go, maybe pick up some groceries.

He walked to the kitchen and sighed, seeing there was no schedule for today which meant it was his day off. Working at a recording studio gets boring sometimes since no one comes. Sometimes the artists are too sassy or rude, Ashton can't stand those but he has to be nice to them and ignore that - he didn't want to get fired, he had a weird love for non-starvation.

Ashton checked the clock and saw it was 10.30 in the morning, it was a good time to walk the dog. He got dressed and walked out of his apartment with his wallet. The curly-haired boy walked to the old lady's apartment to pick up the dog.

"We'll be back in an hour and half Mrs.Jackson." he said and the old lady nodded, waving at him.

They walked to a park and Ashton stopped to buy a waffle from a small kiosk that was usually there. When he was paying it and picking it up the leash ran from his hands and he only had time to gasp and pick up the waffle, running after the dog. Mrs.Jackson would kill him if he lost her dog, the woman just has a deep affection to it.

But everyone has deep affections to their only companies right?

Ashton saw the dog rolling on the grass while playing with another dog, the other dog had a bow on it's head so Ashton assumed she was a she. He walked the the dog and sighed, picking up the leash.

"Barkley, you can't just run away like that." he said, petting the dog "You almost scared the hell out of me boy, don't do it again."

"I'm sorry about that." a man said "I saw them playing and I thought the owner let the dog go. If I knew it I would have returned him right away."

Ashton smiled at the man and nodded "I wasn't careful enough, I'm sorry about this."

"No worries. I'm Keith Phillips, by the way." the man says, shaking Ashton's hand.

"Ashton Irwin."

"Hey babe I got the vanilla ice cream you- oh." the other man said, Ashton only staring at him "Hello, Ashton."

If Ashton didn't have a coffee at his house to wake up he wouldn't believe what he was seeing. It's been five years since they saw each other and Ashton left him for University in New York, Luke was probably over him now but Ashton's wasn't over him.

He still replays the scene in his head of how emotional his break-up with Luke, his high school boyfriend, was. They talked for a while but then it became awkward and they just stopped, the drama from the break up was affecting them and making everything weird. They dated since Year 6 and both boys thought they would last forever but it didn't happen. Ashton was still in love with him though. Ashton thought of him everyday, he wondered if Luke was up to something or if he had found someone who treated him better than Ashton did.

He misses kissing Luke and holding the blond until he fell asleep. He misses all those moments they spent together and hasn't dated anyone to this day because Luke just holds him back.

"Hey, Luke." Ashton said, letting out a sigh.

He almost felt his heart shattering when he saw the engagement ring on Luke's finger.

"You know each other?" Keith asked, smiling.

"Y-Yeah hum, Ashton was one of my classmates back in high school." Luke said and Ashton nodded, gulping.

That's all he was, an old classmate.

"Well, the world really is small!" Keith said "Aren't you comign to the wedding?"

Ashton started shaking, feeling the tears almost falling, fortunately he held them back.

"The invite must have gotten lost in the mail."

"Oh, right. That happens, but are you coming?"

Ashton looked at Luke, hoping that the blond would give him a decision. He was surprised when he saw him slowly nodding, bitting his bottom lip.

"Yes, yes I am. When is it?"

"In three weeks," Luke said "You... you want to grab a cup of coffee sometime?"

It's like he was being asked out by Luke all over again, just like in Year 6. Except they went out for snacks together.

"Y-Yeah sure. You got my Facebook?"

"No, you can give me your number. I work better with those." Luke said, smiling and giving his phone to Ashton.

Ashton put his number on it and gave it back to Luke, seeing his fiancée was only watching the boys with a smile. Ashton felt jealous that Luke fell in love with him, why couldn't they make it work?

"Well, I'll see you guys around." Ashton said, waving at them and then leaving.

He thre his waffle in the trash and walked away with the dog. He felt the tears streaming down his face and was letting out quiet sobs, his glasses becoming foggy because of the cold humid air and his tears.

Ashton ignored when the old lady asked him what was wrong and walked to his apartment, locking the door and sliding down crying.

Luke Hemmings, the love of his life, as engaged to someone else. And he was going to the wedding.


well hUm here i am

-ana rita (moony)

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