[6] Liar, Liar

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While I was gounded, you guys got me to almost 400K and I have so many votes and reads and comments and I just can't.

Y'all are incredible. So incredible that I just got all southern there.

I'm officially back and my fingers are ready to type! I am so excited to be writing again, you really have no idea.

Thanks for waiting for almost two months for this update, you're troopers c; I love you to bits and pieces!


Avery Holmes

I'd like to say that we got home at a reasonable time for Aimee's nap, but that wasn't exactly the case. After a beautiful afternoon of canoeing and just talking, really, Niall took us out to eat at a small diner, and then later to Dairy Queen, where Aimee told nearly everyone that she had on her blue undies.

Aimee had cried for nearly ten minutes when she spilled some of her ice cream on the front of her favorite Minnie Mouse dress, but Niall stepped right in and bought her another.

It was a funny thing, really, watching the two of them together. I still didn't understand why Aimee wasn't afraid of Niall. All her life, she'd grown to think that all men were bad, but with Niall it was something different. Something truly in-explainable.

"Ya know, you're lucky to have a big sister that spends her time with you, Aim." Niall said on the way home from our Dairy Queen trip. I froze beside him in the passenger seat and gave Aimee a glance. She frowned back at me and then looked to Niall.

"I don't have a sister." She argued. My pulse started to quicken and I could instantly feel my temperature rising. I at least thought that I could pull this act together for longer than this. It had been only about a week since I had lied about everything to Niall- how old I was, who I was, who Aimee was to me.

"Yeah ya do, silly." Niall chuckled, his gaze focused on the road. He had no idea what was going on, and I thanked god that he was so oblivious. He tousled his blonde hair to the side and looked over at me for some sort of explanation.

"She's only three, I think she gets confused sometimes." I giggled stupidly, reaching to the backseat and patting Aimee's foot with my hand. Aimee looked at me and shook her head, the curls on top dancing around.

"Nuh uh, I don't have a big sister!" She insisted, kicking the back of Niall's seat and laughing. I shot her a glare and sighed, shrugging it off.

"Like I said, she gets confused." I whispered to Niall. He raised an eyebrow but didn't ask any more questions, turning back to focus on the road. I could see Aimee looking at me, pouting and frowning, but I ignored her. I had no idea what I was going to do if Niall found out the truth, so I told myself that he couldn't. I wouldn't let him find it out.

"Did you girls have fun today?" NIall asked after we sat in silence for about ten minutes.

"Yes!" Aimee roared. I shushed her and rolled my eyes, laughing. I wasn't really sure who she got her personality from, because neither I or Jake were this loud and obnoxious.

"The canoeing was my favorite, too." I admitted quietly, resting my head on the seat. I was still trying to calm down from the false alarm earlier. Looking for something to do, I grabbed my phone and looked through my missed calls and texts messages, all which were from Jake. A lump arose in my throat, but I deleted the voice mails and texts. I needed to cut him off from my life, and I was going to start by getting a new phone. I didn't want him tracking me down somehow, though had no idea how he would do that by using my cheap phone.

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