Special Chapter : Chinese Valentine's Day

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Yeah~~ I'm back!!!!! Today's the Chinese Valentine's Day~~ and I know not many of you have ever heard of this, but I'm writing it anyway~~ Here's a special chapter~~~

Luffy: Aren't we separated? Why're we here together again?

Me: Well, today's a special holiday so I brought you all back together.

Sanji: Thank you! Nami-swan~~ I miss you so much~~ (jumps toward Nami)

Nami: (punches him in the face, and smiles) I miss you too, Sanji-kun.

Sanji: Your punch is still so good, Nami-san.....(falls backward with a heart-shaped eye)

Zoro: You haven't even changed, pathetic cook. (Looks at Sanji in disgust)

Sanji: (Gets up from the floor) Eh? What did you say Marimo? You wanna fight?

Zoro: (Takes our his katanas) What else would I say?

Robin: It's not good to fight on a holiday, Zoro, Sanji. (Crosses her hands and hands appear on their bodies)

Zoro&Sanji: Fine./Yes! Robin-chan!

Usopp: So why exactly are we here? Beside watching those two idiots fight?

Me: Today's the Chinese Valentine's Day!

Chopper: Chinese Valentine's Day?

Franky: Never heard of it.

Me: Yep, I know you haven't.

Brook: So what do we do on this day? Do we do something like 'panties free to watch'? Yohohoho~

Everyone: .................

Me: Of course we don't! It's just like Valentine's Day, but it falls on the seven day of the seven month of the lunar calendar, and it's today! (Takes out a calendar)

Monet: Oh, I get it. So we're going on a date?

Me: Exactly! (Claps)

Bonney: Can we go to some fancy buffets?? (Starts to droll)

Kid: We'd better not. (Bonney pinches him) Fuck! It hurts! Asshole!!

Everyone: .................

Me: Anyway, I haven't got a girlfriend yet. So can one of you be mine? (Shows puppy eyes)

Girls: It's fine with me.

Me: Yeah!! You're the best!!

Boys: (Burning with flames around them)

Sanji: Let's go kick his ass, shall we? (Raises his leg)

Zoro: First time that I agree with you. (Takes out his katanas again)

Luffy: I'm fine with it. (Grins)

Law: Room!

Kid: ..........(Metals fly toward him)

Me: ........I'm fucked up, right?

Girls: Yeah.

Me: Shit! (They attacks and I fly away)

Usopp: Why haven't you learned it from your birthday chapter?

Me: Cuz I just love them.

Brook: It's okay, Author-san. I haven't got one either. Yohohoho~ let's sing a song! (Starts playing Sucker for Pain)

Me: Oh! I love it! But why that one?

Brook: Just had the feeling~

Girls: Are we going on a date or not?

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