Painful Memories

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Hi guys~~~
Summer vacation~~~~
Super~~~~~ happy~~~
Please enjoy~~

"Robin!! Which way??" Said Luffy, running toward a byroad.
"The right one!" Said Robin.
"Yosh! Let's go!" They ran into it, and finally, at the end of the corridor, a door appeared.
"Crocodile's room?" Muttered Robin.
"No. It can't be this simple.... Luffy, don't go in--" But it's too late, Luffy already went into the room.
"Wait!! Luffy!!" Robin sighed, and went in. Inside the room was dark and humid, and the floor was wet.
"Luffy, be careful. This might be a trap." Said Robin.
"Ok, I know." Said Luffy. Suddenly, the lights lit up.
"What! The! Hell! Is this?!" Shouted Luffy. They were now in the middle of a large tank and five or six gigantic crocodiles were swimming around them.
"So 'crocodile' means...... real crocodiles......" Robin muttered, shocked. And one of them crawled in.
"Holy shit shit shit shit shit! How do we get out?" Asked Luffy, scratching his head.
"There must be a way out! But we have to get rid of these monsters first!" Said Robin calmly.
"Well well......look who we have here....... Monkey D. Luffy and......... Miss All Sunday........." Crocodile's voice came from no where.
"Crocodile!!!" Shouted Luffy.
"Let's play a game...... shall we......? The key to the door to my chamber is tied to a crocodile's head...... get it and find me or die...........
Kuhahahahahaha.........." His voice faded, and more crocodiles crawled into the tank.
"Let's finish these lizards quickly and go kick Crocodile in the ass!" Said Luffy, cracking his joints.
"Ok!" Said Robin, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

".......I fell asleep......" Zoro muttered, still not wide awake. He fell asleep after finishing the Billions.
"Where are the others......" He stood up, and found out they were all standing by the police cars at the entrance.
"Hey, did I miss anything?" Zoro walked toward them.
"No, we finished all of them just now, and Luffy and Robin went inside to find Crocodile." Said Usopp.
"What? Why did Robin go?" Asked Zoro, a bad feeling was growing bigger and bigger in his heart.
"She said she knows the way to get to Crocodile and went to help Mugiwara-ya." Said Law.
"That stupid woman..... I'm going in!" Said Zoro, and he ran off.
"Oi! What about your wounds??" Shouted Sanji.
"They're already recovered!!" Zoro shouted back.
"LIKE HELL THEY ARE!!!!!!" Everyone shouted.

"Ahhhhhh!!!! The water's flooding in!!" Shouted Luffy as he punched a crocodile in the face.
"What?!" Robin exclaimed.
"This is not good! Not good at all! Luffy!! Did you find the key?"
"Yeah! There! It's on the biggest one's head!!" Luffy shouted, pointing toward the largest crocodile's head.
"I'll go get the key! And after I got it can you fly us up there?" Asked Luffy.
"Yes! I can! I'm ready anytime!" Said Robin.
"Ok! Here I go!" He stretched out his arms and jumped up to the crocodile's head.
"Got it!!" Shouted Luffy.
"Cien Fleur: Wings!!" Wings appeared on Robin's back and she flew up and catches Luffy.
"Yosh!! To the door!" The door is on the middle of the wall.
"Only five seconds....." Twenty feets to the door.
"Five...." Fifteen feets to the door.
"Four....." Ten feets to the door.
"Three...." Six feets to the door.
"Two....." Three feets to the door.
"One...." Only inches left.
"LUFFY!!!!!" Robin's wings disappeared and they fell down to the crocodiles.
"ROBIN!!!!!!" Luffy stretched out his arms and one grabbed the doorknob and the other one rapped around Robin's hand, and they flew to the door again.
"Close shave." Said Luffy after they went in the door.
"Thank you, Luffy." Said Robin.
"So is this Crocodile's room?" Asked Luffy.
"Maybe. It's too dark here." Said Robin.
"Hey, I think I see lights there." Said Luffy, walking to the lights.
"Wait, I think there's someone there." Said Robin.
"Yeah, it's..... it's...... VIVI?!?!" Luffy shouted, and he dashed toward her. She was tied to a chair, hanging in midair.
"Vivi!! Are you alright??" Said Luffy, trying to pull her down.
"Vivi, answer us! Are you alright?" Said Robin, also trying to pull her down.
"Wait! What's this??!She's...... cold.......?" Robin said, touching her hands.
"OH MY GOD!! Vivi's dead!!" Shouted Luffy, starting to panic.
"No! This isn't Vivi, this is.....wax!!!!" Shouted Robin, and three gigantic arrows flew out from the dark.
"What the..... who's there!!" Shouted Luffy, hitting those arrows away.
"I'm Mr.3! The greatest artist in the world! Hahahahaha!!" The lights lit up again. This time, it was a room full of Mr.3.
"Your hair's on fire, isn't that hot?" Said Luffy.
"No! This is art! Try to find out which one is the real me! Hahahahahahahaha!!" Shouted Mr.3.
"Luffy, keep calm, this is also a trap, I can tell." Said Robin, backing up Luffy.
"Gomu Gomu no--" He stretched out his leg.
"Luffy! Wait!" Shouted Robin.
"He's never going to find me....all I need to do is wait for the chance and kill him....." Mr.3 muttered evilly, taking out a dagger.
"Stamp!!" Luffy's leg shot out like a bullet, and hit the Mr.3 in the very back of the chamber in the face.
"How did you find out......." Said Mr.3 weakly, falling to the floor.
"Intuition!!" Said Luffy. Robin was still in shock, couldn't believe what she just saw.
"...........I guess this is......... luck............" Said Robin, and she walked toward Mr.3.
"What are you doing?" Asked Luffy.
"I think he has the key to the door, there's one on the other side of the room, and it's locked." Said Robin.
"No need." Said Luffy.
"Why? It's--" Luffy punched the door very hard, and it flew away.
"Oh, ok." She got up, and walked to the door.
"Is this his room?" Asked Luffy, looking around.
"Yes, it must be. There's sand everywhere on the floor." Said Robin.
"Hello....... Miss All Sunday......." Crocodile appeared behind Robin.
"Crocodile!!!!!!" She jumped back, and threw out a bottle of water that she prepared when they went in the dungeon.
"Do you think you can really hurt me?" Said Crocodile, and he disappeared.
"What?! He's a Devil Fruit user?!" Luffy exclaimed.
"Yes! He's a Logia user. Be careful--" But she didn't finish her words. She was stabbed by Crocodile's golden hook, and it went through her body from back to stomach.
"ROBIN!!" Shouted Luffy, and he dashed toward her. Crocodile pulled away his hook, and disappeared again.
"Robin!! I'll take you out now!! To the ambulance!!" Luffy bent down and tried to pick her up, but she stopped him.
"What are you doing?? You'll die if I don't take you to the ambulance!" Shouted Luffy.
"No....... just go........ I'll be fine........" Said Robin weakly.
"No you won't!! You'r dying!!"
"Just go...... go save Vivi........"
"NO!! I can't let you die!! I WILL NEVER LET ANY OF MY FRIEND DIE!!" Robin slapped him.
"Monkey D. Luffy go save Vivi right now and leave me here!! I won't die this fast!! I'm not weak!!" She shouted, and slapped him again. Luffy didn't say a word, after a minute later, he stood up.
"Ok, if you say so." Said Luffy with a very serious tone.
"Don't die, ok?"
"Yes! I won't die!" Said Robin firmly.
"I'll go now, take care of yourself." Said Luffy, and he dashed away.
"Not so fast." Crocodile appeared in front of him again.
"Out of the way! Bastard!" Shouted Luffy.
"What if I don't?" Said Crocodile dangerously.
"I'll punch you in the face!!" Luffy raise his fist.
"Let's have a nice and cozy talk about our reminiscence, shall we?" Said Crocodile, completely ignoring Luffy.
"Gomu Gomu no Pistol!!" Luffy punched him in the stomach, but the place where he hit turned into sand, and he cut Luffy's chest and arm with his hook.
"Remember that day? Miss All Sunday?" Said Crocodile. He gripped Luffy's throat, and threw him to the floor next to Robin.
"No......." Robin muttered, tears started to run down her face.
"The day you nearly took down Cobra's company."

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