I Will Never Forgive You

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Hello~ everyone~
Here's chapter 6~~
Please enjoy :3~

"W-What did you just say?"
"Nami's missing! Come to her house right now!!" Zoro hung up.
"Luffy? Are you alright? Asked Hancock softly.
"Nami's missing..." Said Luffy. There was no emotion on his face. Hancock looked at him with a worried look on her face.
"Come on, let's go!" Said Hancock. They went out of the coffee shop and started to run toward Nami's house.

At Nami's house--

"Guys!!!" Shouted Luffy when they arrived at Nami's house. Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Robin, Chopper, Brook, Franky, Law, and Kid were all standing at Nami's front yard.
"What happened?" Asked Hancock.
"We don't know." Answered Sanji.
"But apparently someone captured Nami-san and broke into her house and smashed everything."
"Did you call the police?" Asked Luffy.
"Yeah, we did. They said they'll arrive in half an hour." Said Zoro.
"Dose anyone of you have any idea who kidnapped Nami?" Asked Hancock.
"Arlong!!" Said everyone in unison.
"Ahh! We don't have time for this! Let's go find her before it's too late!" Shouted Luffy.
"Yeah, you're right! Lets split into groups. Luffy you go with Hancock-san and Usopp, Marimo you go--"
"Wait!" Someone interrupted Sanji.
"I know where she is." It was Hachi.
"Who are you?" Asked Sanji.
"I'm Hachi. I used to be a member of Arlong's gang--"
"Used to?" Asked Zoro sharply.
"Yes. I'm no longer with them. Their thoughts are too violent and last night I told them to leave you alone when they were planning to kidnap Nami. They got mad and kicked me out." Said Hachi.
"We don't care about that shit! Just tell us where Nami-ya is!" Said Law in a threatening tone.
"I'll take you to her." Said Hachi, and he gestured them to follow him.

In a warehouse--

"Where am I?" Said Nami when she finally woke up.
"Shahahaha, you're finally awake." Said Arlong.
"ARLONG!!" Shouted Nami. She tried to move her hands but she found out she was tied to a chair.
"What are you going to do to me?" Shouted Nami.
"Oh, I'm not doing anything to you." Said Arlong dangerously.
"You're just a bait, you will bring Mugiwara here, he's the one I want. SHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Said Arlong, and he he started to laugh like a maniac.
"ARLONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Shouted Luffy.
"Looks like my prey is here." Said Arlong, and he went out of the warehouse.
"MUGIWARA!! You're finally here!!" Shouted Arlong.
"Where's Nami?" Asked Luffy.
"Where do you think she is?" Said Arlong evilly.
"In that warehouse behind you!" Said Luffy, he was  trembling with anger.
"Yes... you're right. But you'll never get to save her! Because we'll beat you all up! ALL OF YOU! SHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Shouted Arlong, and Hody, Kuroobi, Zeo, Daruma, Hyouzou, Dosun, Ikaros Much, and Vander Decken walked out of the warehouse. "SHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
Kneel in front of us! Mugiwara! SHAHAHAHA!!"
"Guys!!" Shouted Luffy.
"Let's fight them! Prepare yourselves!"
"Ah! Thank god I brought my katanas." Smirked Zoro, and he pulled out Sandai Kitetsu and Shusui.
"Yeah! Same here." Said Law, and he pulled out Kikoku.
"It's been a while since the last time I stretched my muscles." Said Sanji, and he smirked.
"Do we really have to do this?" Asked Usopp and Chopper.
"Yes, we do." Said Kid, and he put on his metal gloves. Brook took out his Soul Solid and Franky took off the glove on his right hand and showed his metal hand.
"Robin, Hancock, you two go get the police!" Said Luffy. The two girls nodded and left.
"Of course I won't let you do that!!" Yelled Daruma and he rush to the girls. Zoro kicked him away just in time when Daruma was about to bite Robin's arm.
"Thank you, Zoro." Said Robin, the two girls went out of site.
"GUYS!!!" Shouted Luffy.
"OHH!!!" Everyone yelled.
"Jahahahaha! Little gits! They've already stepped one foot into hell!" Said Hody.
"Shahahaha!! Prepare to die!! Mugiwara!!!!!" Shouted Arlong, and the fight finally began.

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