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Alexis's POV


I stretch my hand over to his side of the bed, seeking his warmth, but instead I feel the cold, satin sheets instead of his warm body. My eyes flip open, and I sit up. He's not in bed. I glance over to the bathroom, and the doors wide open and the room is vacant. I rub my eyes and swing my legs over the side of the bed, yawning and throwing on my pink fluffy slippers. I look over at my bedside table and read the thick, bold numbers on the black dusty alarm clock.

12:01 the old clock reads. I panic and jump out of bed, swinging by the bathroom to grab my fluffy blue robe off the hook hanging on the door and run out of the room. I slide down the hall on the slippery oak wood floors and grab hold of the door frame outside of the babies room. They're both gone. I'm confused, maybe Blake got them up. But he's never done that before. And that's when I smell it; pancakes, sausage, and bacon. I can hear the sizzle of the frying pan on the hot stove, the crackle of the bacon being fried and I smile. Blake made breakfeast. I slowly start walking down the marble stair case, running my hand across the smooth oak hand rail. I stalk my way into the kitchen and see Blake, back turned to me, hunched over the stove. My babies are in their high chairs next to him, but not too close to the stove. Ash sees me and grins and claps her hands.

"Mama!" She wails, and Blake turns around quickly. I grin and walk over to her and pick her up, kissing her on the forehead. Blake wipes his hands, which are covered in bacon grease, on a hand towel hanging from the stove handle. He looks up at me and grins.

"I made breakfeast, and I fed them the breast milk that was in the fridge." He says, leaning against the counter.

I grin and pit Ash back down and swapping her out with Ryder. "I didn't know you knew how to cook." I say, smiling. I glance over at the counter and see why he's leaning against it; there's a plate behind him full of burnt pancakes. I laugh quietly and smile.

He blushes and looks up at me. "Well, I dont, but you were sleeping and you always make breakfeast so I wanted to try." He says.

I smile and set Ryder back in his blue high chair. I walk over to the stove and remove the frying pan, which holds a now crispy pancake, to the back burner and turn off the stove.

Blakes eyes widen and he curses under his breath. "Man, I'm sorry Lex. I tried, I really did." He says, moving his hand in circular motions while he rambles on. I roll my eyes and peck him on the cheek.

"It's fine. Why don't we go get some McDonalds?" I say.

He sighs and grabs the car keys from where they hang by the front door and slides on his shoes. "I'll be back, and oh. Lex, we need to talk when I get back." He says, grinning and walking out the door.

Talk? Talk about what? I sigh and grab the babies and bring them into the living room and lay them on the floor to play with their playmat. I throw myself on the couch and sigh.


After breakfeast, Blake glances over at me nervously.

"What did you want to talk about?" I ask. We sit at our kitchen table, the babies in their highchairs, one on each side of me. The afternoon light shines in bright through the big glass window that we sit in front if, reflecting itself off our glass table. I dig my bare feet into the white, fluffy carpet under and table and smile.

He blushes and scratches his neck. "I uh, I don't want you to get mad. So please, promise me that you won't get mad." He stutters.

"I can't promise anything like that, but go ahead. Tell me what's bothering you." I say, placing my hand on his arm.

He looks down at the floor and shakes his head. "I- uh- I enlisted. In the Military. And I'm leaving in two weeks. I'm sorry, I should've told you. But we need the money and it'll be the best for us. I promise." He says, his face contorting into a bunch of different emotions.

I freeze. "You, you what?" I spit at him. "How could you?! Leave me here with Ashley and Ryder, by myself?! What am I supposed to do?" I yell, getting up and taking Ashley and Ryder with me. I walk up stairs, tears streaming down my pink face. I hate him I hate him I hate him. I put the babies in their cribs and grab the baby monitor and walk into my room. I slam the door and throw myself on the bed. He's going to get himself killed! How could he do this to me? I sob into the white comforter and leave giant tear stains in the pearly white fabric. Blake lightly knocks on the door and whispers "can I come in?" I frown and don't answer him.

He slowly opens the door and peeks his head in. "I'm sorry, Alexis. But I had to. I'm so, so sorry. I should've told you." He says, walking over to me and hugging me. I cry into his shirt and leave big tear marks there, too.

"You're going to die out there." I sob I to his shirt, which sounds more like 'woure woing to dwe owt thewe' he rubs his hand up and down my back and shushes me.

"No, I'm not. I promise, I'm going to come back to you and the babies. I promise."

And that was the last day I saw him before he left.


Hey guys! Sorry I've been sooooo inactive but I'm back! I hope you liked this chapter! Vote for more! -Kaitlyn 💕

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