Chapter: 24-26

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Chapter Twenty-Four

Cheryl drove on for what seemed like forever, I was so intrigued what she was going to show me, it must be something out of London, as more and more tree's came into view leaving the busy, built up area of the city behind. 

Cheryl kept looking over to me every few minutes with a smile on her face, I left her to it. Until she did it one to many time,

"What?" I asked, turning to smile at Cheryl.

She carried on looking at the road before answering, "Nothing, I just love the fact you have no idea where we're going, your looking out the window like a puppy being took out for the first time," She laughed to herself.

"Well you won't tell me, so I'm trying to work it out for myself," I said in a matter of fact tone.

"Well it's not long now babe, not long now,"

We drove into a big drive with a big gate at the entrance which opened when we arrived. At the bottom of the drive was a fairly small modern looking house. I looked at Cheryl as she parked up, but she looked back at me as if to say 'shh' for a minute, so I did just that. We both got out the car and she took my hand into her's, approaching the small modern house's front door. Cheryl took a single key out of her pocket and struggled with the lock on the door, when she eventually opened it she ushered me in, leaving me standing in the house's big hallway. To say I was confused by now was a big understatement and I couldn't wait any longer to find out what was going on,

"Cheryl, what is this?"

"Well what does it look like?" She smiled.

"A house..but-"

"I've done it Kimba," a smile widening on her face.

"Done what?" Was she about to tell me something I've always wanted to hear? No it couldn't be.

"I've left Ashley." She stated.

I stared at her for a minute, expecting her to say it wasn't true, a weird un funny joke, but she didn't say anything, she was still smiling waiting for my reaction.

"Oh my god," Is all I could say. "Oh my god, why? when? how?" All the questions coming out at once.

She laughed at my questions, "Well I told him I couldn't go on like this anymore, I did it on Tuesday morning, thought I'd wait for today to suprise you and I did it because I love you, I want to be with you Kimberley, If you will be with me that is?

"Oh my god," I repeated. "Do I want to be with you? Of course I do," I said pulling her into a hug. "You have no idea how well this works out," I said into her shoulder.

"What do you mean?" She asked, pulling away, staring into my eyes.

"I got a call this morning, I have an audition for Les Mis in the West End on Monday," I smiled.

Now it was her turn, "Oh my god!" She grabbed me into another hug, "Oh my god Kimba, I'm so proud of you,"

"All I need to do is find a place in London and we can work this out Chez," I smiled at her.

Her smile dropped a frown forming, what do you mean you have to find a place? Do you not get it Kimba, this,"She waved her hands around,"This is ours, for me and you, I want to live with you," She smiled.

"I want that too Cheryl, but I don't think I could afford it, I don't even have the part yet and I still don't think the play would pay for this amazing house."

"Kimberley," She drifted her fingers over my cheek, " I don't care what you earn babe, I'd do anything for you, you can pay as much as you like for this, but all I want is you, I don't care about anything else, I swear."

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