Chapter: 5-8

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Chapter Five

I didn't really get much sleep that night, Cheryl was constantly on my mind, what was this? I presumed I was just worried about her, she looked so vunerable by the pool, and even though she had cried so much, she looked so beautiful. How could Ashley ever cheat on her? And then continually do it, it just didn't make any sense, some men obviously don't know a good thing when they have one. "Stop It!" I thought to myself, this wasn't like me, it was the morning of my big day, and I was losing focus other someone else, I'l admit i was normally too selfish to be doing that. Jesus I wonder if it will be awkward today with her? I don't want her to put me through just because she feels guilty about last night, I want to be put through for me and my voice, not anything else, maybe I should go and see her, I do know where her room is now. It was 8:30, to early maybe I thought, but she had a big day ahead of her too, she might be up, I'l go give her a knock on the door, if she doesn't answer then I'l leave it, I might aswell try my luck.

  I made my way down the hallway, the sunlight creeping through the windows, it looked so gorgeous outside, I could definatly come back here..."Focus! God-dammit, what is wrong with you today?"  As I finished arguing with myself, and had walked down the staircase, I approached Cheryl's door and gave two loud, but not deafening, knocks on the door. I don't know if i was expecting for her to answer really, this was Cheryl Cole, maybe she doesn't answer the door if she isn't expecting visitors, you know like a secruity thing, just as I was giving up hope, about to turn around and head towards the stairs again, the door opened.  Cheryl was stood there in a big, white,fluffy dressing gown with her long, glossy, all-be-it wet hair resting on the shoulders of the dressing gown. She looked at me and gave the most adorable, awkward smile ever. sh!t. I was so concerned about her actually opening the door, I didn't actually think out what I was going to say if she did. 

"Umm, hey Cheryl, I'm sorry its so early, I just wanted to talk to you about something.. If now is not a good time though, I can come back later if...." She softly cut me off,
" Now is a brilliant time," she said flashing her amazing smile, "Im just sorry I took so long, was in the middle of conditioning my hair, what was it you wanted to speak about babe? To be honest I was going to come find you later, was going to wait until after your performance, didn't want to unfocus you or anything. But I just wanted to say thankyou for last night, you were amazing, and Im sorry I was so pathetic, you must think Im a right case," She said with a sad giggle.

"Well yeah it was about last night for me aswell, but please babe, no more 'pathetic' talk, like I said last night, everyone has those times, I'm just glad I was there to be honest, I wouldn't want you to suffer in silence..." I gave her a weak smile, before she gestured me into her room. Which was magnificently decorated, with only the unmade bed spoiling the decor. 

"Ayee well im quite used to that now, but yeah thank you babe, I will make it up to you,"

I took a breath before saying what I came for, " Well thats kind of it, I know I have to perform later on, but I don't want you to think you 'owe' me to put me through or anything. If I get through I want it to be for the right reasons, like for my voice, not because I helped you out abit last night, I just didn't want you to think you 'had' to do anything like that for me, I want to be in the finals for me," I calmly stated.

"Well babe, thank you for that, I did feel a little bit uncomfortable about it, but from what I have heard before you have an amazing voice and have nothing to worry about anyway, but I take your comment seriously, honest babe," She smiled again, sending shivers down my spine.

"Okay, well thank you, I guess thats what happens if you 'make friends' with contestants," I laughed.

"Haha I guess it is, but I like you, I wouldn't mind seeing you after the shows anyway," She said with a cheeky wink.

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