Chapter: 9-10

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Chapter Eight

"Kimberley?" Cheryl called out, turning onto her arm whilst laying down in bed. 

"Yes Cheryl?" I answered as we decided it might be best to try and get a couple hours sleep atleast.

"I'm glad you decided to do this,"

"Do what?" I asked, not quite sure what Cheryl was getting at, but hoping I knew what she was going to say.

"God, I'm not good at these moments, and your making it even more awkward," I gave a smile and a small pout and she continued, " I am glad you decided to come on the X factor, and basically come into my life, I know we have only been on speaking terms for like 2 days, but it feels like much longer, and I really did mean it the other day when I said I wanted to see you again after the shows, no matter how well you do. You make me feel kinda safe, like when I'm with you... christ I'm sh!t at this.." 

Even though it was dark, I could immediatly tell Cheryl was blushing, I wanted to make her feel at ease, so I wriggled over to her side of the bed, and wrapped my arms around her, gave her a peck on the back of the head and said, " I'm glad I came on here to, not just for me, I'm glad I have met you too, You have a kinda hold over me that no one else ever has, see I'm never normally a 'close' girl, like I never get close to people, I always think they are there to stop me or hold me back, but with you it's different, and I like that, I think your my first proper friend Chezz," Now it was my turn to blush, but I didn't care I don't think she did either, and thats how we fell asleep, her in my arms, and I wouldn't of wanted it any other way."

"Kim... KIM,"

"What, what? Jesus Cheryl you didn't have to shout in my ear," I said rubbing my eyes, and my painfull ear.

"Well I'm sorry babe, but you are a very heavy sleeper, I've been trying to get you up for about 5 minutes,"

"I bet you have," I laughed at my own comment, which she playfully frowned at.

"Shut up you. But look I have to go now, you've got an hour until your performance, so just relax and don't think to much about it, thanks for last night was really fun, and I'l see you later,"

"Alright thank you babe, I'm not feeling to bad about it actually, I'll go back up to my room, so you can lock the door, and I'l see you in an hour," I cheerfully said whilst heading towards the door.

I was feeling alot better about this then the time before. I don't really know why, maybe because me and Cheryl had bonded even more, I don't know, but I have to remain focused. God the viewers will hate me if I get through, the girl who cried but got a second chance, I can see the papers now! Probably for the best that me and Cheryl keep our friendship on the low down, just for now anyway. 

An hour was almost up, I had showered and scraped my hair back in to high ponytail, for some reason, I didn't feel the need to impress Cheryl about my looks anymore, it was like I could be myself totally, and she didn't expect anything more or less. I walked along the familiar hallway towards where Cheryl and Nadine were again sat, again when I approached them, Cheryl removed her big sunglasses, and looked me right in the eyes.

"Hey guys, look I just wanna apologise for yesterday, I don't know what came over me, but I want to prove myself now,"

"No apology needed, these things can be murder I know that," Came an Irish twang.  " Yeah pet, no apology needed, when ever your ready," Smiled Cheryl. Just that smile made me confidence levels rise!

As I heard the piano play, I started my chosen song - Whitney Houstons Greatest Love of All.- And I sang it the best I ever had I'm going to admit it, something just clicked and I really went for it, I looked Cheryl right in the eyes whilst performing, just to get across that I could do it and the passion I have for singing, which I think she responded to, well when I finished she had the biggest grin on her face.

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