Rule 4: Try new things

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~Try new things ~

I stared down at the peaceful water. I approached the cliff slowly as I wondered how I got here. The sky was clear allowing the moon to shine fully over the rocky shore.

The wind whooshed around me. Silky tendrils wrapped slowly around my legs and worked their way up. Then the wind grew harsher against my tender skin. Whipping my clothes against me. Beating against me relentlessly.

The wind whispered me taunts.

'You are nothing' it said sinisterly.

'Leave me alone," I tried to hide my fear, but my voice trembled.

'Never son' as it said this the whispering wind morphed into my father's voice.

Fear was rolling off me in waves bigger than the rocks cutting through the inky water below. He cackled as he reveled in my fear. His laughter reeked of sadism and power.

Then the wind pushed me back so hard I stumbled and fell down. All of a sudden there were hands that were all too familiar to me-my father's hands- picked me up by my hood and threw me over the cliff's edge.

Just as my body was about to collide with the huge rock peaking out of the water I woke up.

I sat in bed clutching my sheets trying to convince myself it was just a nightmare, not real. A logical part of my brain told me that my whole life was a nightmare then.

After a few moments my heartbeat got fainter and the noise in my ears faded away. Once I was sure I could breath and function normally I glanced at the clock, 1:46 A.M. I contemplated going back to sleep, but I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep after that dream.

So I took a shower and threw on a pair of sweats and a long sleeved t-shirt. My injuries didn't hurt as much 2 days ago. Not wanting to put a hoodie on I tried to arrange my hair so it would cover my bruised cheek, needless to say it didn't work.

I guess this will have to do I'm just going to take a walk in town, anyways. I threw on a jacket zipping it all the way up. I tiptoed down the stairs then proceeded to stuff a hoodie and another apple. Just before I grabbed the apple a flash of silver caught my eye. I gently picked up the silver object. It an peanut butter and jelly sandwhich wrapped in aluminum foil.

I walked outside and was greeted by cool air. I mentally began crossing off a list of places I usually would go.

No one would be at the school until at least 5 hours. The library was definitely closed along with other shops. I didn't want to go to the park. So in the end I settled for walking around town.

I kept myself occupied by imagining what kind of family lived in each house I passed. The little yellow ranch house would be the home of a newly wed couple with a baby on the way. The big house would be home to a rich couple who had 3 kids.

As I continued walking the houses got bigger and more ornate. Must be the richer side of town where the richies live. I continued walking so lot in my little game I didn't notice the unmistakable sound of music until I was practically right in front of the house that contained the music.

It was a alcohol party, they are honestly repulsive to me. How does anyone find hanging out with a bunch of drunk wannabes fun? I was just about to run in the opposite direction when I saw a girl crying on one of the fancy lawn chairs.

"Hey are you okay?" I asked softly while approaching her slowly.

"Yah just upset over my boyfriend kissing another girl," she sniffled a bit more before looking up. She could be considered pretty if she didn't wear so much make-up.

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