Rule 1: Accept Help

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~Accept Help~

I walked into what I would call my personal refuge. The place I went to everyday as a temporary escape from my father. A slight chill rushed through my body as my fingers ran over the cold metal of the railing.

I tilted my head up slightly to read the sign 'Balkwood Highschool' to give me proof that it was real. I swiftly looked at the ground allowing my hair to cover my eyes. Even though I couldn't see anyone through my curtain of hair I could hear the other students, as I did every day.

They huddled in swarms like bees flocking to the freshest blossoms or rather the newest gossip. I swiftly walked by them not favoring the idea of being noticed, or gossiped about.

No one sparred me a glance. I hiked my bag up higher as I continued my long trek to my locker. I didn't even need to look up to get to my destination. My feet knew this whole school like the back of my hand, that's what happens when you have a lot of free time on your hands with no productive way to spend it.

The classes dragged by torturously slow. Probably because I didn't understand half the things they were saying except for history. It's the only subject I would deem worthy of my time. As for science and LA they were a waste of my time this morning.

"Okay class that's all for today. Enjoy your lunch," Ms. Vega,the LA teacher said. Gladly.

I rushed out of the class before she could talk to me like she always does. Ms. Vega is the reason I get in so much trouble half the time... school wise. I never get a passing grade in LA.

I happily made my way to my locker. My books fell on top of the other books with a resounding thud. Saying my locker looked like a junkyard was an understatement. Even I'm not completely sure how I manage to find my books... well I don't use my books half the time so I usually don't bring them so that probably helps. Continuing on with my usual routine I made my way to the library.

The trip to the library took seconds after all its all the way in the back of the school. No one ever bothered to come here and that, is a dependable fact, unlike anything else in my life.

If I had allergies I wouldn't be doing too good. This place was like a dust magnet, there wasn't a part of the place that wasn't filled with a layer of dust.

The chair creaked as I pulled it out from underneath the table. The chair was uncomfortable to say the least, but I'm not one to be picky. The table shook and quaked as I attempted to move an ancient encyclopedia off of it. The book wasn't going to go anywhere without breaking something- most likely the table- so I decided just to leave it there.

The granola bar tasted stale which it probably was. I can't remember the last time I had an adequate meal. Seeing as I had nothing to distract my mind my thoughts wandered off to less welcome thoughts about my father.

Luckily my increasingly bitter thoughts were interrupted by the bell. Not caring to be bothered with fetching my books I walked off to math book-less. Math was ranked as one of my least favorite class along with LA.

I kept zoning out during my classes luckily the teachers decided to give me a break, that or they just gave up on me. Nothing really registered in my mind while I was in my trance-like state until the teacher put a paper on my desk. I looked down at the paper, but immediately regretted that action.

The test stared up at me as if it were mocking me. The F that surely sealed my fate tonight. And there was nothing I could do about it. Dread clouded every coherent thought I possessed.

When I finally snapped out of my stupor I calmly collected my books as if nothing was bothering me. As if I would be going to a safe home with a loving parent, but the truth is I'm not. My dad is just the epitome of a loving parent I thought sarcastically.

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