Book II Chapter 08

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The day was burning hot. Not as hot as it had been on Hainan, but good and hot enough.

Yixi was strolling down the street, humming a happy tune. His steps were light. His breathing was easy. His face was lifted up to the breeze and he smiled, as he squinted his eyes against the late morning sunshine. He was making his way down Prince Edward Road West and heading east. He passed by Fayuen Street. The next corner up ahead would be Saiyee Street, and that’s where he was living now.

Yixi felt good. For the first time since he arrived on the Island—Hong Kong Island, that was—he felt like he was finally getting somewhere. He had just come from Mr. Ling’s house, his friend from the Four Seas Hotel. He had handed his money over, all ten thousand dollars worth of it. That was everything he had saved from his five years of hard work since leaving Hainan. Well, it wasn’t everything. He did have that other bit saved up for the other reason.

It had not been easy.

Yixi took a shortcut through the shopping area close to where he lived. Strolling by the butcher’s stand, he stopped and inspected the pork strips that had been hung up on hooks near the front. The meat appeared genuine in its pinkness. Yixi called the proprietor over and bought half a jing, which was a little less than half a pound. He got to chatting with the man, and asking how the business was coming along. He asked him how much it would cost to rent a stall at the marketplace like he was doing right here. Was the landlord any good? Did the place bring in enough cash? Who did he buy his meat from, anyway?

The butcher smiled and told him everything. He didn’t mind. He knew Yixi well enough to know that he was just naturally interested in these things. The butcher had heard the young man ask almost everyone down this side of the bazaar all the same questions. He suggested that maybe Yixi should buy some land himself and start his own marketplace somewhere.

The younger man laughed. He told the proprietor that if he was a wealthy butcher and didn’t have to work for a living, maybe he would.

Yixi had turned to go when he spotted a running spigot at the back of the butcher’s stall. The day was boiling and Yixi’s face was dripping with sweat. He asked for the man’s permission. The butcher said yes.

Yixi marched up to the fountain. Grinning, he was just about to bend his head down beneath the flow when he stopped. The smile slid from his face.

Taking a step back, he frowned and stared at the water, gushing out from the faucet.

A steady stream. A gurgling brook. A ribbon of perfect crystal, dancing in time to a melody he could not hear. Yixi thought of his name and what it meant. He thought of the distance that separated his mind from his heart. The water called to him. It told him to come. It was trying to say something. It was trying to remind him of the things that he should not have forgotten…

Why have you forgotten them? Have you forgotten them?

…no, I haven’t…

Have you forgotten us?

…no, I haven’t…!

Then where are you? Why are you not back here with us, back where you belong?

Because…because…I haven’t left you. You are still here. You are all still right here.

Don’t forget us…

“Hey, what are you doing back there?”

Yixi turned around and smiled at the butcher. “Sorry!” He bent his head and washed some of the grime off his face. He stood up.

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