14. You Rip Out All I Have, Just To Say That You've Won

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The doorbell chimed, promptly waking up Louis and Harry from their peaceful dreams. They shot up from bed abruptly, their hair mussed from their second go last night after they woke up from their high. Harry remembered it all too clearly.

("Fuck, you smell so good. How do you smell so good all the time?" Harry asked, his face shoved into Louis' armpit.

Harry licked a fat, broad stripe up Louis' golden skin, Louis squirming and letting out a breathless laugh.

"Tickles, Haz," Louis murmured, huffing quiet, simmering snickers.

Harry touched, nipped and tasted until Louis was writhing below him. He found Louis' weakest area, dipping his tongue inside Louis' tight pink hole while Louis clenched all around him. He lathed his tongue over the sensitive ring of circle, Louis crying out and shooting white ribbons of come onto the already messy bed sheets. By the time he let up, Louis' clenching hole was wet and warm from Harry's tongue and Harry looked obscene with his blotchy cheeks and his lips and chin covered in spit. Louis just had to touch their mouths together again with his hand cupped on Harry's jaw, felt like he was going to burst into flames just from the sight of him.

Harry smiled wickedly, licking Louis nice and clean and then kissed him on the mouth afterwards, the taste of Louis strong on his tongue. He didn't care if he tasted musky or that he was lying in the damp spot on the sheets. All he cared about was that his boy was straddling him, lazily kissing him until the morning sun rose up.

Louis played with Harry's nipples, even the two smaller nubs underneath, until they were nice and puffy and Harry couldn't take it anymore. Harry was so hot and so bloody hard, rutting his hips into Louis' thigh because he couldn't help himself. He had to bury his face into Louis' neck to keep himself from saying something embarrassing like I like it when you play with my nipples or worse Put your mouth on them again.

"Fuck, you've got me so—" Harry said then cut himself off, too mortified to hear himself say it out loud, hear how broken his voice was, how desperate he was for it. For Louis.

He must think I'm so fucking needy, Harry thought embarrassedly, more turned on than he had ever been in his entire life.

But Louis didn't make fun of Harry. Instead, he was right there with him, shushing Harry with his lips before Harry could so much as apologize and pressed his lips to the shell of Harry's ear, close enough that his breath tickled Harry's sensitive skin.

"Wet?" Louis stated rather than asked. Harry sucked in a sharp intake of breath, feeling like he was going to come just from a few dirty, whispered words. Louis' hand slid down Harry's front, palming the thick patch of curls at the base. "I got you soaking wet, yeah?"

Harry made a soft mewling sound, helpless to do anything but thrust into Louis' thigh once more, not doing him any favors.


"God, I bet you are," Louis mused, his eyes dark in the low light of the bedroom. He cupped his hand over Harry's cock, pressing down until Harry's cock was lying flat on his heaving stomach, Louis' palm damp because Harry was so drippy. "Fuck, I bet Ed can't make you this wet, can he? You're soaked only for me. Isn't that right, sweetheart?"

Harry nodded viciously, blushing fiercely, holding Louis tighter when he felt he was drowning in pleasure.


Louis nosed along the length of Harry's throbbing cock, closing his mouth over the wet head, his eyes widening in surprise when he received a pulse of pre-come on his tongue. Harry bit on his bottom lip harshly, trying almighty not to buck up his hips into Louis' mouth.

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