10. I'm Only A Fool For You And Maybe You're Too Good For Me

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Louis watched colorful shades of light flicker across the curves and slopes on Harry's face. Harry was washed in light from the television, shadows swallowing the good side of his face. He was the light, always the sun, always brilliant, always capturing people's attention. Some might even say Harry was undeniably beautiful.

At this point, Harry was well aware of Louis' presence. Harry knew because he always seemed to know whenever Louis was near just like Louis knew too. It was an instinct. Harry flicked the television off, sighing and setting the remote control down.

"I'm sorry, Tommo. I didn't mean it."


Louis hung his head low and made his way to sit down next to Harry on the sofa. Everything was silent. Louis palmed his sweaty hands on the tops of his thighs, leaning back on the sofa.

"You know, I broke my back when I was seventeen. I was almost paralyzed," Louis spoke softly. Harry looked at Louis, his whole attention drawn to him. "And Liam spent that whole summer with me in my room watching movies every day. All my friends went out to the beach or went out to chase girls, but he just sat there with me the whole time."

Louis exhaled a long breath he didn't know he was holding in. Here in the dark, it felt like he could be himself and share his confessions. He didn't have to be a lad or try to make everybody laugh. He could be truly one hundred and ten percent himself. Harry always made Louis feel comfortable.

"I can't leave her alone when she needs me even when they're gone."

Harry offered Louis a small smile, something about the way his lips curved made Louis want to memorize every line and every dip.

"I dug up some of their old home movies 'cause, you know, I just wanted to hear their voices. See them a minute, you know? And, um, I've found this one. It's a gem. You gotta see this."

Harry raised the remote control and flicked the television back on, unpausing the video on the screen.

A grainy, blurry picture of Liam and Zayn came into view. It made Louis' chest constrict at the sight of his friends, almost real but still untouchable. He needed to stop imagining that Liam and Zayn would come back into his life. It was impossible; they were dead.

Once the video started playing, the picture focused and became clear. Zayn walked into the freshly painted room, carrying Isabella in his arms while Liam babbled excitedly.

"Ta-da! Pretty great, huh? I went with the lavender and then the blue sky like we talked about."

"When did you paint this room?"

"I did it when you were at the adoption agency. I wanted to surprise you."

Zayn's eyebrows pinched, his entire features turning sour.

"You were supposed to do it three days ago. It smells like paint fumes in here."

Louis smirked. He was unfamiliar at seeing this side of Liam's and Zayn's marriage. They were utterly perfect together and it was almost frustrating how good they were for each other. Liam became stronger for both of them and even though Zayn had a façade of being dark and mysterious, he became soft marshmallow fluff whenever Liam was around. Liam was Zayn's knight in shining armor and all Zayn would paint for months was kind, hazel eyes.

Louis had never seen Liam and Zayn fight in the flesh and it surprised him to see them argue like normal human beings. He crossed his arms against his chest and leaned back on the sofa, Harry mirroring his movements. They simultaneously smiled at each other, both suppressing bigger smiles as they continued to watch the home video.

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