6. With The Exception Of You, I Dislike Everyone In The Room

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"Next case, the matter of Isabella Payne, Index Number 05893-01."

The security guard called forward their case number, Harry looking at Louis with wide eyes before both men stepped up to stand in front of the judge. Harry carried Isabella with one arm, his haversack filled to the brim with snacks, nappies and toys. He looped his arm out of his haversack and left it to rest on the table, sitting down with Louis mirroring him. Andy quickly urged them to stand, Louis and Harry getting to their feet abruptly while the judge continued to talk.

"Alright. I've read your submissions along with the will given that you folks were named as guardians. I see no reason to countermand the parents wishes. However, permit—"

Isabella dropped the container of Goldfish crackers to the floor, Harry's open-mouthed shock causing Louis to drop down to his knees. Harry stooped low and helped Louis gather the Goldfish crackers in one hand, Isabella pressed between their chests. Andy mouthed a sincere apology to the judge, who firmly pressed her lips in a thin line. He hunched over and tapped Louis on the shoulder.

"Guys, guys, okay. Let's leave the Goldfish. What do you say we stand up?"

Louis stood up and placed the container of Goldfish on the center of the table, Harry standing behind Louis with one last scoop of Goldfish crackers. Harry straightened his posture and combed a hand through his hair only to drop it and wipe cheese on the front of his trousers.


The judge fixed them with a quick glare, her head tilted at an odd angle.

"Until that time, I hereby grant joint legal and physical custody of Isabella Christine Payne to Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles."

The judge banged the gavel on the podium once, Harry nodding and beginning to walk away. Harry hitched the haversack higher on his shoulder, a dry patch forming at the back of his throat. Louis stayed standing motiveless, his open lips pursed forward in disbelief. He extended his arms, his body frozen. Harry looked over his shoulder to stare confusedly back at Louis.

"Wh—That's it? You're not gonna ask us anything? How do you know we're not drug dealers or pimps?" Louis asked in a harsh rasp.

Harry's body bobbed with nervous laughter, his mouth parting open around a rapt breath. "Ha!"

The judge swiped off her glasses with one quick flick of her wrist, her face neutral and her voice daunting.

"Are you drug dealers or pimps?"

Harry's small smile disappeared quickly. He licked his lips and shook his head rapidly.

"No, ma'am. No."

Harry pushed Louis towards the door, offering the judge a fixed smile and glowering at Louis. Louis shrugged noncommittally, his lower lip jutting out like a child's.

When they arrived at the house, Harry twisted the key inside the lock and shoved the door open, Louis moving past Harry and carrying Isabella in his right arm. Isabella was almost slipping from Louis' embrace, her leg and tummy tucked far enough between his arm and chest so she wouldn't fall over.

""Boom, done, next case. Here, take a kid, no take two, we got extra!""

Louis' eyebrows knitted together as he walked into the living room with Harry trailing behind. Harry ignored Louis and shoved his hand into his haversack, his fingers sorting through wet towelettes and remnant Goldfish crumbs. His brows furrowed, the pink tip of his tongue peeking out from the left corner of his mouth in concentration.

"Where is that stupid duck she loves that drives me crazy?"

Harry successfully fished the toy out, the duck squawking annoyingly. He passed it on to Isabella, whose eyes lit up at the sight of her favorite toy. Isabella hugged the stuffed toy to her chest and started gnawing on it. Louis' words tumbled out of his mouth before Harry could even process them.

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