4. Is It So Wrong That You Make Me Strong

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"No, no. I just don't understand why we can't see her tonight. No, ma'am. I don't care about your protocol. This is—" Harry hesitated, nodding for a few moments, Louis' eyes burning on Harry's torso. "Yes. I will be here at this number. Yes."

Harry hung up and growled, slamming the phone down on the kitchen island and dragging one palm across his face. Although he usually drawled out his words, this time he talked fast enough that Louis had to lean forward as to not miss any words that fell from his lips.

"They won't do anything. Not until eight a.m. tomorrow."

"Okay, okay, I'm sure that she's fine."

Louis' eyes were drawn downwards, his forefinger and thumb picking at a loose thread on his blue shorts. Harry's eyes traveled down Louis' thick, football thighs and fuzzy legs. Louis looked incredible in them, but now was not the time to comment at how tight they were on the lovely lower half of his body.

"Why don't we sleep here tonight? That way we're here in the morning if they call."

Harry was still silent, so Louis raised his head and stood up to face him.


Louis' soft voice prompted Harry to look up at him and when he did, he wished he hadn't. Louis was looking at Harry like he was scared to get any closer, a visual representation of a deer caught in the headlights. His eyes were almost squinted shut and the corners of his mouth were slightly quivering. All signs of mischievous Louis with a cheeky smile were gone. It wasn't like him. Louis had always found a way to make things light, no matter how heavy the circumstances were. Harry would even imply that Louis had humor and he was the giggle at a funeral, but he guessed that didn't apply to his best friends' deaths. He couldn't bear to see Louis like this, so he decided he wouldn't, pushing his way around him and bumping his shoulder.


"Why don't you take the guest bedroom?"

"Okay. You can take their room if you want."

Louis thumbed over his shoulder to the living room, his smile not quite reaching his eyes.

"Ah, no thank you. I'll sleep over here."

Harry nodded slowly and started to walk away. He stopped at the doorway, pushing his hair away from his forehead.

"See you in the morning."


Without overthinking it too much, Harry tucked his bottom lip into his mouth and spoke. Harry's voice was back to normal, dragging out the words ever so slowly.

"Thanks, Louis."

Louis smiled professionally, his hands tucked into the front pockets of his jeans in a boyish manner. His eyes gave him away though, a burst of sad acceptance shown in them.


Harry left Louis alone in the room in silence. Louis sighed heavily, dragging his feet over to the sofa in long, purposeful strides. Outside, the sky was turning into dark shades of purple and blue, reminding him that it was almost nighttime. Louis was suddenly hit with how much hatred he had for the world and everyone in it. How could he believe in miracles and angels when the world took everything away that was important to him? How could he be happy and fake a smile when his two best friends were no longer here, no longer telling him bad jokes and laughing and breathing?

Louis wondered if this is what it felt like. If the world kept rotating when something miserable like this happened and people walking next to him had no clue that his heart was in the ruins, shattered and hopeless. While Louis' world had stopped, everyone else was oblivious that two incredible people were no longer walking on Earth. He also wondered how many times he had walked next to those same people with broken hearts. It was an endless, vicious cycle.

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