The Ski Lodge Part 3

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I had been sitting by the fireplace because I had just had another talk with lucas about his undying love with my best friend and I encouraged him to go for it. But he was still uneasy because of the whole evan situation. I mean You can't blame him. Evan was really good looking. I laugh to myself.

I made Lucas To go to talk to Riley. I had seen Josh coming up to me while I was sitting my myself.

"What do you want?" I said a little harsher than I wanted to.

He didn't take it bad. He made a funny smirk "Oh me I was just watching that whole thing go down"

"Yeah We get it you watch things. What did you see?"

"I saw that you Maya are a very mature person. And me thinking that you can't be in my life because of our age difference makes me a lot less mature than I want to be." He Said while I started to smile.

"You know boing, There are six weeks out of the year between our birthdays that we are only two years apart. So we get to hold hands those 6 weeks. I'll take It." I say getting a little too excited.

"Yeah we could do that. Or how about my deal...?" He said. I nodded for him to continue. "You once said you were in it for the long game?" He asked questioningly.

"I like you josh. It's you I like" I say being sincere.

He looked troubled. Like it pained him to say it " I like you too, and I never want you to not be in my life."He says. HOLY CRAP! Josh just sad he likes me. I tried not to smile so hard.

"Boyfriend and girlfriend Right now" I say hopeful but knowing it wouldn't happen.

"No" He says smiling.

"Boyfriend and girlfriend eventually" I say. Knowing I got him this time. He didn't say anything. He just laughed and held his hand in his hands until her eventually said" Ill play the long game" His voice kind of cracked. It was the cutest thing ever. I was dying of happiness inside. "I'll live my life and I will know you are out there. You live your life, and Im out there too."

"Someday?" He says holding out his hand. I take it.
"Someday" I didn't let go yet.
"Let go" He says while smiling.

Girl Meets World JoshayaWhere stories live. Discover now