Chapter 8: Epilogue 2

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They waited three years to get married. It was agreed that with all the chaos, it would be best to wait and pretend that they were just friends (although this didn't stop them from having any late-night snogging sessions). Harry wished they could have told the public earlier, but they waited until the last possible minute—also the worst time possible, Harry thought. Well, it wasn't my fault Draco decided to jump me the moment we won the war! Nevertheless, the memory still made him smile.

Harry and Draco were very changed people once those three years rolled around. Harry was less sure of himself, and he often started at the smallest of noises and flinched if someone waved their wand too quickly. But he kept his feelings to himself, and tried not to bother anyone with his troubles. Draco was much more prone to mood swings, and could often be found crying in the Gryffindor dormitory. When this happened, every student knew to stay away, because Harry would come sprinting in at a moment's notice, always there to comfort his friend.

But on that day, the day they'd been waiting for so long to celebrate, everything was going perfectly.



"I'm so sorry, Draco! BAD Crookshanks!"

Harry sighed. Why had he allowed that dumb cat to come with Hermione? He cast a quick reparo on the squashed cake and went to go find Mrs. Weasley.

When Draco suggested holding the wedding at the Burrow, Harry thought he was joking. What he didn't know was that Draco and Mrs. Weasley had become very close over the past few months, and what Mrs. Weasley didn't know was that soon after she and Draco became friends, a steady flow of Galleons had been making its way into the Weasleys' Gringotts account.

Because Draco insisted, and Mrs. Weasley would hear no talk of the couple going anywhere else for their special day, here they were, both nervous wrecks. Harry hadn't seen Draco all day (Hermione insisted that the superstition be heeded), and he couldn't stand it. So it came as quite a surprise to Draco when a pair of round green eyes peeped at him through the guest room door.

"Harry!" Draco said happily. "What are you doing in here?"

"Well, actually, I wanted to have a chat with the flowers," Harry said sarcastically. "What do you think? I wanted to wish my fiancee good luck!" He walked over to Draco and helped him finish fixing his hair. It was all smoothed back and looked like he'd used three jars of it, at least. "Draco, why do you have so much product in your hair?" Harry asked.

"It had to be perfect! Mother would simply die if she saw what it had looked like before," Draco pouted.

"Well, your mother's not the one marrying you. I think you should have it like—this," Harry grinned while messing up his hair. "There. Now you look less like a mannequin."

"A what?"

"A mannequin. It's like a giant doll that has clothes..."

"You...are crazy."

"Says the one who lived off a single apple a day for months!"

"Fine, truce. Anyway, I should probably leave before Hermione comes in here and freaks out," Harry sighed.


"What? Oh no, are you having second thoughts? Should I go?"

"No, Harry! I just wanted to say that I love you."

"Oh. Well in that case..." Harry leaned in for a kiss right as Hermione burst through the door.

"Has anyone seen Harry? We can't find him any—Draco, what did I say about the superstition?" She screeched shrilly. "Everything has to be perfect! Shoo! Shoo!" She made flapping motions with her hands, looking so much like Mrs. Weasley that Harry sprinted out and didn't look back.

When everyone arrived, Hermione was much more calm, and the couple was ready to say vows, no longer nervous.

Harry and Draco were standing together, gazing into each other's eyes, ready to walk down the aisle together, when a sudden crash from behind them gave them quite a startle.



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