Chapter 6: Stolen Hearts

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Draco's POV:

I know it sounds weird, freaking out about my smell. But that was the STRONGEST POTION THAT EXISTED! That must mean that Harry...was in love with me? He mostly stayed away from me for the rest of the day.

At dinner, my friends were all teasing me about the Potions incident. I got so fed up with their "Drarry"s and "Harco"s that I went and sat by the Gryffindorks and Harry. The whole time I basically just watched the Weasel shove food in his face and Granger (I refrained from calling her a Mudblood anymore since she at least was civil toward me) read my favorite book and only gift from my father: Hogwarts, A History. Well, really I was reading over her shoulder, since I was forced to sit by her anyways.

"Good book, that," I commented after swallowing the last bite of (green) apple crisp.

"See, Ronald? I'm not the only one who likes it!" She glared at the boy before smiling slightly at me.

"Just because I am a Malfoy doesn't mean I read boring heritage books all the time!" I say in my best Lucius voice. Hermione laughed.

"I read those on holidays, weekends, and whenever I have spare time...kidding!" I say as the Weasel snorts into his double chocolate pudding.

"Hey, guys, look at Harry!" Weaselette whispered as she joined the conversation. We look. That's odd. He had a distant look on his face, and he wasn't touching his food. I'll ask him about it later, I decided.

After dinner, I walked up to my newest friend. He still looked a bit sad, and I was determined to figure out why.

"Well, someone's looking down today," I commented airily, just because I knew he didn't see me and so, just like I thought he would, the twerp jumped like a foghorn blew in his face.

"Well, excuse me for not smiling all day and being really ga—happy!" He snaps, his cheeks going red.

"Care to elaborate?" Why was he being so difficult?

We rounded a corner and started up the staircase to the Gryffindork common room. I was too curious to go back to my common rooms, so we both silently agreed that I would stay the night. A few seconds later, we reached the Fat Lady portrait and Harry swiftly said, "bumble leaves," and the picture swung open. Harry led me to the comfy armchairs by the fireplace and plopped into one. Instead of finding my own, I decided to be a bit risque and sit on his lap. I did so, and noticed that he was blushing crimson and trying but failing to keep his face neutral. Ha. Served him right for worrying me.

"So, what's the scoop?" I ask tentatively.

"The scoop, Captain Obvious, is that I don't know what you are to me." Wow. That came as a shock. "I mean, are we friends? Are we..." his face gets darker red. "More than friends? I honestly don't know, Draco."

"Harry, as awkward as this is going to be to tell the school—" I pause. Should I tell him? Should I confess how much it hurt to be rejected by him in my first year? Yep. "I really, really, like you. As more than a friend. Do you know what I saw in that blasted old mirror? You. And me. Together. When you turned me down in our first year, I became almost obsessed with you. Then it was negative thoughts and feelings." I leaned in until we were touching noses to get a reaction out of him.

"And now?" He asked, his voice no more than a whisper. I noticed that Harry's eyes had flickered down to my lips for a split-second.

"All positive. Very positive." At this point I could feel the heat from his lips burning mine. I stare into his jade green pools of happiness and imagine what it would be like to have them be mine. I'd do anything for them, anything for him. Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived, then leaned forward and brushed his lips against mine.

"Love you too, Ferret."

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