Your celebrity girl crush she's jealous of

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Ally: Demi Lovato

Even though Ally and Demi are close since X-Factor, she stills gets jealous whenever you fangirl about Demi. You have all her albums and movies she starred in. Ally was so jealous that she doesn't talk to Demi anymore.

Lauren: Shay Mitchell

You are Pretty Little Liars biggest fan, you have all their seasons on DVD. Whenever you and Lauren would watch it together, you would fangirl over every scene that Shay would come on. Lauren would get jealous and would make an excuse that she's tired and go to sleep.

Dinah: Hayley Williams from Paramore

You've been a fan of Paramore ever since, you had their every album and you've been to every concert that was near you. Hayley Williams was your everything you fangirl over. Dinah was so jealous that whenever you play Paramore on the car she would shut it off.

Normani: Rihanna

I mean who doesn't, Normani doesn't get jealous she just agree with everything you say about Rihanna. She fangirl with you, she even said that you guys would share Rihanna as a girlfriend.

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