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Robbie's POV   ( Cabin Boy )

I stared into her electric blue eyes as she glanced at me and then walked away. I smiled remembering our little moment there. How she was too short to reach up for her hat and how she would have to took at me stretching her neck. I found it adorable.

I sighed as I went back to work. I went downstairs under the deck to fetch a bucket of water with soap and a sponge as I went up on deck scrubbing the old, dirty wooden planks. I was indeed the cabin boy doing thecleaning and organizing the ship and some supplies as in if they haven't had time to do so. It made me wonder if I was like a servant or something, but it was my duty to make the ship stand out against other rustic pirate ships.

I kept scrubbing and scrubbing the dirt of some the planks when all of a sudden I hear someone shout " Enemies aboard! " . I saw everyone rush out from beneath the deck dragging their swords out as they fought with the enemy that seemed to have sneaked into the ship.

I put aside the bucket and sponge running across the deck avoiding the swooshes of the swords. There was one nasty pirate that cornered me, but I was lucky enough to reach for a nearby sword and clash it against his. I used the knowledge that I had been taught only from the best pirate that I know and luckily didn't get my head chopped off as I threw over the enemy's sword and drew it close to it's throat.

Ha! Caught one!

He puts his hands in the air surrendering for his life, but then ran off the other direction as he jumped out of the ship into the wavy waters with nowhere in sight.

I turned to see everyone fighting off for their own life when out of the corner of my eye I saw Alexie being cornered by three other pirates. I ran up to them and attacked one from behind while she attacked the other one that was near me. We both drew the two men away, but the third pirate grabbed Alexie from behind and drew a sword near her throat.

" Robbie! Robbie! Help me! " , she pleaded

I backed down and looked into her worry eyes afraid of losing her life. I made eye contact with the pirate as he gave me a smirk. I then grabbed another sword from a barrel fighting with the one handed pirate as his sword fell to the ground and he gave me a look as I knocked him out making him fall to the ground and wince in pain.

" Y-Y-You saved me. " , Alexie shuttered

I turned around and smiled.

" My pleasure. " , I said taking a bow

But the she ran up to me and hugged me as I felt her under my chest holding me and then she kissed me on the cheek and smiled.

" My hero. " , she whispered in my ear and then she walked away to join another fight.

All I could do was breathe heavily as I touched the place where she kissed me leaving me with a blushed red face.

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